Groups of cells similar in structure and function
Nervous tissue: Internal communication Brain, spinal cord, and nerves Muscle tissue: Contracts to cause movement Muscles attached to Muscles of heart () Muscles of walls of hollow organs (smooth) Epithelial tissue: Forms boundaries between different environments, protects, secretes, absorbs, filters Skin surface () Lining of GI tract organs and other hollow organs Connective tissue: Bones Tendons Fat and other soft padding tissue
*Epithelial Tissue (Epithelium) Two main types (by location): 1. On external and internal surfaces 2. Secretory tissue in glands
Characteristics Cells have polarity—upper and lower surfaces Are composed of closely packed cells Continuous sheets held together by tight junctions and Supported by a connective tissue reticular lamina (under the basal lamina) Avascular but High rate of regeneration
Classification Ask two questions: 1. ? 1 = simple epithelium / pseudostratified >1 = stratified epithelium 2. ? Squamous Cuboidal Columnar (If stratified, name according to upper layer of cells)
Simple Stratified Apical surface Basal surface
Squamous Cuboidal Columnar
Simple Squamous Substances easily pass through Lines blood vessels and lymphatic vessels Lines (alveoli) Function:
Simple Cuboidal Single layer of Lines kidney tubules Covers ovaries Lines ducts of some glands Function:
Simple Columnar Single layer of May have cilia May contain microvilli Often have Lines the Function:
Pseudostratified Columnar Single layer of cells that Usually contain cillia and goblet cells Lines the
Stratified Squamous Epithelium Many cell layers Top cells shaped Can accumulate Makes up the outer skin layer (Epidermis) Lines oral cavity (think gums), vagina, and anal canal Function:
Transitional Epithelium Many cell layers Changes thickness Lines the urinary bladder, ureters and part of urethra
*Connective tissues 3 Types: Fibroblasts: Large, star shaped Fixed cells Macrophages Wandering cell Mast cells Fixed Release heparin – Release histamine – promotes reactions of
Major Fiber Types Fiber Thick with great strength Composed of Abundant in dense connective Found in tendons and ligaments
Fiber Types Fiber Composed of Fibers are branched and flexible Found in
Fiber Types fibers Very thin collagenous fibers Highly branched Forms supportive network
Loose Fibrous Connective Contains many Fluid to gel like matrix Collagenous and elastic fibers Binds skin to Found beneath most epithelia Found
Adipose Connective Has specialized cells called Cushions, insulates, and stores fat Found under the skin Found
Connective Compose of Provides Forms the framework for liver, spleen, and other lymphatic organs
Dense fibrous connective Packed with Has only a few Poor blood supply Binds body parts together Forms tendons and ligaments Found in
Elastic Connective Abundant with elastic fibers Few Contains fibroblasts Found as attachment between Found in the walls of large arteries, airways and the heart
Bone Connective Solid matrix Cells called osteocytes Cells found in (chambers) Supports and protects Provides attachment for Produces blood cells
Blood Connective Fluid matrix called Red blood cells, white blood cells and Function: Defends against infection Aids in Contained within blood vessels
*Cartilage Rigid Matrix (cells) in lacunae (chambers) Poor blood supply 3 Types:
Hyaline Cartilage Connective Most type Found on the Forms part of the rib cage Located on the tip of the nose & in resp. passages Forms the
Elastic Cartilage Connective Forms external ear Found within the
Fibrocartilage Connective Very tough Acts as a Forms Pads within the knee and pelvic girdle
*Muscle Tissue Skeletal Attached to bones
Smooth muscle Not Found in the walls of internal organs & blood vessels Located in the
Cardiac muscle Contains intercalated discs Found in the walls of the heart
* Nerve Tissue Cells are called Function in
*Membranes Serous Lines body cavities that Contains serous fluid Composed of epithelial and connective tissue Inner lining of the thoracic and abdominal cavities
membranes Mucous Lines tubes and organs Secretes Composed of epithelial and connective tissue Lines oral and nasal passageways, digestive tract, respiratory tract, urinary & Reproductive tract
membranes Cutaneous Covers Composed of epithelial and connective tissue Skin!
membranes Synovial May contain Secretes Composed of connective tissue Inner lining of joints