AFAMS The Nervous System (Insert Dari) EO Part 6
AFAMS Teaching Points (Insert Dari) 1. Function of the Nervous System. 2.Neurons and Nerve Signal Transmission 3.Central and Peripheral Nervous System 4.Disorders of the Nervous System 5.In-class Assignment 1.Insert Dari
AFAMS Function of the Nervous System (Insert Dari) Three basic functions (1) sensing changes through receptors fullness of stomach or sun on your face (2) interpreting those changes (3) Reacting to those changes through: muscle contractions gland secretions (Insert Dari)
AFAMS Neurons (Insert Dari) A neuron is a nerve cell that transmits information by electrical and chemical signals. A neuron is composed of: 1)Cell body 2)Dendrite 3)Axon 4)Myelin sheath A network of neurons is called a nerve. (Insert Dari) Cell Body (Insert Dari) Dendrite (Insert Dari) Axon (Insert Dari) Myelin Sheath (Insert Dari)
AFAMS How Neurons Work (Insert Dari) Each neuron receives an impulse and must pass it on to the next neuron. Nerve impulses are sent from the axon of one nerve cell to the dendrite of the next cell. The area between the two nerve cells is called the synapse. (Insert Dari) Insert Dari
AFAMS Nerve Synapse (Insert Dari) (1) The nerve impulse travels from the dendrites through the cell body and down the axon. (2) When the impulse reaches the axon it releases a chemical called a neurotransmitter. (3) The neurotransmitter then crosses the synapse and binds to a receptor on the dendrite of the next neuron in order to transfer the signal. Note: The synapse is a site of action for various medications.
AFAMS Nerve Synapse (Insert Dari) (Insert Dari)
AFAMS Classification of Neurons تصنیف بندی وظیفوی حجرات عصبی Sensory neurons transport sensory information from skin, muscles, joints, sense organs & viscera to the brain. Motor neurons send motor nerve impulses to muscles & glands from the brain. حجرات عصبی حسی (صاعده) معلومات حسی را از جلد، عضلات و مفاصل، اعضای حسی و احشأ به سیستم عصبی مرکزی انتقال میدهد حجرات عصبی حرکی (نازله) سیاله های عصبی حرکی را به عضلات و غدوات انتقال میدهد
AFAMS Sensory Signal Transmission (Insert Dari) Insert Dari Hot water (Insert Dari) Sensory receptors sends nerve impulses via sensory neurons and spinal cord to the brain telling the brain the water temperature is too hot. (Insert Dari)
AFAMS Motor Signal Transmission (Insert Dari) Insert Dari The brain then sends information back the the muscles of the hand/arm via motor neurons to turn the temperature of the water down. (Insert Dari)
AFAMS How Motor and Sensory Neurons work together (Insert Dari)
AFAMS Nervous System Divisions شعبات سیستم عصبی Central nervous system (CNS) consists of the brain and spinal cord Peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of cranial and spinal nerves that contain both sensory and motor fibers connects CNS to muscles, glands & all sensory receptors سیستم عصبی مرکزی شامل دماغ و نخاع شوکی است سیستم عصبی محیطی شامل بر اعصاب قحفی و نخاعی بوده که حاوی هر دو رشته های حسی و حرکی میباشد سیستم عصبی مرکزی را به عضلات، غدوات و تمام آخذه ها وصل میسازد
AFAMS Organization of the Nervous System CNS is brain and spinal cord PNS is everything else سیستم عصبی مرکزی متشکل از دماغ و نخاع شوکی است متباقی دیگر عبارت از سیستم عصبی محیطی میباشد
AFAMS The Central Nervous System سیستم عصبی مرکزی Insert Dari
AFAMS The Brain (Insert Dari) Insert Dari Cerebellum
AFAMS Structures of the Brain (Insert Dari) Frontal lobe- responsible for problem solving and judgment and motor function. Temporal lobe- is involved with memory and hearing Parietal lobe - manages sensation, handwriting, and body position Occipital lobe- contains the brain's visual processing system Cerebellum- is responsible for coordination and balance. Insert Dari
AFAMS The Spinal Cord & Spinal Nerves. نخاع شوکی و اعصاب نخاعی Together with brain forms the CNS Functions pathway for upward and downward travel of sensory and motor information همراه با مغز سیستم عصب مرکزی را تشکیل میدهد. وظایف طرق انتقال معلومات حسی و حرکی به طرف علوی و سفلی
AFAMS Peripheral Nervous System سیستم عصبی محیطی
AFAMS Subdivisions of the PNS شعبه بندی فرعی سیستم عصبی محیطی Somatic nervous system voluntary motor neurons to skeletal muscles Autonomic nervous systems involuntary from sensory neurons within organs to the brain motor neurons to cardiac muscle and glands sympathetic division (speeds up heart rate) parasympathetic division (slow down heart rate) Enteric nervous system (ENS) sensory & motor neurons control GI tract (Insert Dari)
AFAMS Autonomic Nervous System (Insert Dari) ParasympatheticSympathetic
AFAMS Disorders of the Nervous System (Insert Dari)
AFAMS Disorders of the Central Nervous System (Insert Dari) These conditions affect the brain or spinal cord. Stroke – an interruption of blood supply to the brain causing damage to the brain tissue. Paralysis – loss of muscle function due to stroke or damage to the spinal cord. Meningitis – inflammation of the membrane that protects the spinal cord and brain, caused by viral or bacterial infection. (Insert Dari)
AFAMS Disorders of the Central Nervous System Continued (Insert) Dementia – a decrease in memory, attention, problem solving, decision making and understanding. This is due to aging and neuron degeneration. Insert Dari
AFAMS Disorders of the Peripheral Nervous System (Insert Dari) Neuropathy – damage to a nerve due to disease or trauma. Symptoms can include pain, loss of function and numbness. There are many different types of neuropathy. (Insert Dari)
AFAMS Questions? (Insert Dari)
AFAMS In-class Assignment (Insert Dari)
AFAMS 1. Which of the following is not a function of the nervous system? (Insert Dari) A) Sensing changes through receptors B) Modifying sensory information C) Interpreting sensory changes D) Reacting to sensory changes (Insert Dari)
AFAMS 1. Answer: Which of the following is not a function of the nervous system? (Insert Dari) A) Sensing changes through receptors B) Modifying sensory information C) Interpreting sensory changes D) Reacting to sensory changes (Insert Dari)
AFAMS 2. Identify the following structures of a neuron (Insert Dari)
AFAMS Cell Body (Insert Dari) Dendrite (Insert Dari) Axon (Insert Dari) Myelin Sheath (Insert Dari) 2. Answer: Identify the following structures of a neuron (Insert Dari)
AFAMS 3. Name the two types of neurons (Insert Dari)
AFAMS 1.Sensory 2.Motor 3. Name the two types of neurons (Insert Dari) (Insert Dari)
AFAMS 4. The Peripheral Nervous System is divided into 3 components, what are they called? (Insert Dari)
AFAMS 4. Answer: The Peripheral Nervous System is divided into 3 components, what are they called? (Insert Dari) 1.Autonomic Nervous System 2.Somatic Nervous System 3.Enteric Nervous system (Insert Dari)
AFAMS 5. Which of the following is not a Nervous System disorder? (Insert Dari) A)Meningitis B)Neuropathy C)Dystrophy D)Paralysis (Insert Dari)