THEMIS Mission CDR JacksonUCB, June 14-18, 2004 Critical Design Review THEMIS Mission Assurance Critical Design Review Ron Jackson University of California - Berkeley June 14-18, 2004
THEMIS Mission CDR JacksonUCB, June 14-18, 2004 Critical Design Review THEMIS Mission Assurance Team Ron JacksonMission Assurance Manager Jorg FisherQuality Assurance Engineer Chris ScholzQuality Control Engineer Tom ClemonsQuality Control Technician
THEMIS Mission CDR JacksonUCB, June 14-18, 2004 Critical Design Review Quality Assurance Flowdown UCB-PAIP – released – Pending approval by GSFC Swales PAIP – released – Approved by UCB FGM/TUB PAIP – released – Approved by UCB SCM/CETP PAIP – released – Approved by UCB All other vendors - Purchase order Flowdown Instrument Mission Assurance Requirements Document (MAR) was released on June 25, UCB responded with a Performance Assurance Implementation Plan (PAIP):
THEMIS Mission CDR JacksonUCB, June 14-18, 2004 Critical Design Review Responsibilities of Quality Assurance 1.) Review and report on: a)Evaluate/Audit contractors facilities for the ability to consistently produce quality flight hardware daily b)Equipment calibration, temperature and humidity monitors c)Clean room controls d)Compliance to ESD requirements e)Workmanship procedures/processes f)Material handling and shelf life material storage g)Data packages and logbooks h)Nonconformance reporting / Problem reports i)Assembly instruction / BOM j)Personnel training and certification to NASA standards k)Part/Materials Alert Status
THEMIS Mission CDR JacksonUCB, June 14-18, 2004 Critical Design Review Responsibilities of Quality Assurance 2.) Support integration and test activities: a)Verify test set ups at board/instrument and spacecraft levels b)Monitor thermal testing at Box/instrument and spacecraft levels c)Witness vibration testing at instrument and spacecraft levels d)Verify magnetics testing at instrument levels e)All European suppliers – UCB shall review Acceptance Package Data / Travelers and inspect component/Box upon delivery to U.S.
THEMIS Mission CDR JacksonUCB, June 14-18, 2004 Critical Design Review Responsibilities of Quality Assurance 3.) Provide electrical and mechanical inspections but not limited to: a)Incoming materials b)Solder workmanship, through hole and SMT methods (verify coupon acceptance) c)Conformal coating and staking applications d)Witness board or Box closure e)Wire harness build, continuity test, Hi-pot testing and routing f)Configuration verification, as designed vs. as built
THEMIS Mission CDR JacksonUCB, June 14-18, 2004 Critical Design Review Contamination Control UCB Contamination Control –Class 100k clean room –Air particle count will be monitored –All flight hardware will be placed in clean bags
THEMIS Mission CDR JacksonUCB, June 14-18, 2004 Critical Design Review Software Assurance IV &V (IDPU & BAU) –To review software code –Develop metrics (Software risk assessment) –All software problems will be tracked on problem reports –All software changes will be under configuration review Probe Bus –Under UCB configuration management review –Software problems reports provided to UCB
THEMIS Mission CDR JacksonUCB, June 14-18, 2004 Critical Design Review Responsibilities of Quality Assurance 4.) Communications: a)Provide both written and verbal reports to THEMIS project management – monthly b)Participate in program telecons - as required c)Problem/failure reporting may be informal up to the time of integration with flight hardware
THEMIS Mission CDR JacksonUCB, June 14-18, 2004 Critical Design Review THEMIS Parts Requirements 311- INST-001, Level 3 –Parts in compliance with 311-INST-001, Level 3 requirements and Standard Parts. –Use PPL 21 preferred parts, design permitting. PIND, per Mil-STD-750 and Mil-STD-883, required for cavity devices. –Impose on manufacture, if possible. –When needed, have DESC approved test facility perform testing. CSI and/or DPA for complex or known problem devices.
THEMIS Mission CDR JacksonUCB, June 14-18, 2004 Critical Design Review THEMIS Parts Requirements (continued) Non-standard EEE parts will require at a minimum: PEM –DPA, Preconditioning, HAST, CSAM Radiation Testing –Total Ionizing Dose Requirement 66 Krads (si) Review existing test data from GSFC, JPL & Manufacturer Review NASA “where used” historical data –Parts o.k. to use if data and/or orbit requirements equals or exceeds THEMIS When needed, will perform Cobalt 60 TID testing –Single Event Effects: use existing data or historical use similarity Whenever possible, designers will use latchup immune devices Latchup requirements 37mev Exceptions are handled on case by case basis with THEMIS Project Office
THEMIS Mission CDR JacksonUCB, June 14-18, 2004 Critical Design Review THEMIS EEE Parts List UCB QA will maintain EEE Parts Identification List (PIL) PIL will contain –Manufacturer’s generic part number –Military part number or SCD number –Manufacturer(s) –Where used (unique assembly) / Quantity used –Quantity ordered –Lot/Date Code –Radiation status (TID / SEL) –Project Approval Status –Alert status –Comments
THEMIS Mission CDR JacksonUCB, June 14-18, 2004 Critical Design Review THEMIS EEE Parts List (continued) Parts will be procured to an approved Parts List –Schedule permitting, Berkeley will do common buy. –Procurement of devices will be based upon design Engineers Confidence-of-use factor of 70%. Unique, high dollar items will be at 90% - 100% Confidence Level –Minimum Attrition / Spares factor of 20% - 30% will be applied to flight procurement quantities. Standard devices will have higher spares’ factor. –Schedule and Cost permitting, Engineering test units will use flight qualified part. Especially where minimum buy quantities are imposed. ETU and Flight units –Procurements will run concurrently Flowdown PAIP requirements on subcontractors.
THEMIS Mission CDR JacksonUCB, June 14-18, 2004 Critical Design Review THEMIS EEE Parts List (continued) Parts Control Board (PCB) PCB members: THEMIS QA, Parts Engineer (GSFC), design Engineer and THEMIS – Berkeley Project Manger, or representative. PCB shall review EEE part for: –Testing, Screening and Qualification requirements –Alerts –Review non-standard parts requirements PCB will disposition EEE parts failures and nonconformance issues. UCB QA will coordinate PCB parts issues with GSFC Flight Assurance Manager, or his representative.
THEMIS Mission CDR JacksonUCB, June 14-18, 2004 Critical Design Review GIDEP Alert Review Microcircuits -41 ea. Checked ok -1 ea. Checked bad Semiconductor Devices –49 ea. Checked ok –1 ea. Checked bad Resistors/Capacitors –31 ea. Checked ok Connectors –6 ea. Checked ok Wire/Harness –4 ea. Checked ok Misc. Materials –0 ea. Checked Mechanical Parts –0 ea. Checked
THEMIS Mission CDR JacksonUCB, June 14-18, 2004 Critical Design Review Parts Issues EEE parts Alerts Actel – FPGA In-rush current problem JANTXV1N ESD /Lead handling problem Parts at up- screening GSFC GSFC GSFC GSFC GSFC WYLE
THEMIS Mission CDR JacksonUCB, June 14-18, 2004 Critical Design Review THEMIS Parts Lists Status AssemblyListDeveloperStatusComments EFI,SCM, FGE,PCB, LVPS, DFB,BEB, DCB,ETC, ESA,SST UCB Parts Status University of California In-Review at GSFC Parts Control Board in- process Probe, Probe Carrier Swales Parts Status SwalesIn-Review at UCB Parts list to be submitted to GSFC for review
THEMIS Mission CDR JacksonUCB, June 14-18, 2004 Critical Design Review THEMIS Materials Lists Status AssemblyListDeveloperStatusComments EFI,SCM, FGE,PCB, LVPS, DFB,BEB, DCB,ETC, ESA,SST UCB Material Status University of California In-Review at GSFC None Probe, Probe Carrier Swales Material Status SwalesIn-Review at UCB Material list to be submitted to GSFC for review