NOBEL PRIZES Alfred Nobel Pérez Esquivel Saavedra Lamas Milstein Leloir Houssay
Saavedra Lamas Carlos Saavedra Lamas Nobel Peace Prize (* Buenos Aires, November 1, † May 5, 1959). He was a politician, diplomat and jurist Argentine, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in Galician descent, was the great-grandson of Colonel Cornelio Saavedra, president of the First Meeting of National Government established in In 1936, when he was 58, won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work for peace in general, but especially for inspiring antiwar Saavedra Lamas Pact, which was signed by 21 nations and became a international legal instrument.
Pérez Esquivel Adolfo Pérez Esquivel Nobel Peace Prize (B. Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 26, 1931), is a sculptor, architect and pacifist Argentina. In 1980 he received the Nobel Peace Prize for his commitment to defending human rights in Latin America. It is one of the most active in protests against the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). In 1980 he received the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in defense of human rights. He continued his work traveling the majority of Latin American countries, the United States and Europe, to denounce the serious human rights crimes in America. He was received by parliamentarians from several European nations. Due to these efforts were initiated criminal proceedings against Argentina's military dictatorship in Italy, Spain and Germany.
Leloir Luis Leloir Nobel Chemistry in 1970, this extraordinary madico born in Paris on September 6, 1906 and died in Buenos Aires 2 December But to be frank by birth, lived and Development all duties in the Republic Argentina. Leloir mention is talking about the great history of our country. This eminent and indefatigable researcher never sought the praise or notoriety and always found him working from early until late at night in his laboratory. Your only inters was to make discoveries that were to benefit humanity and fulfilling their destiny as a scholar, delivered ³ their invaluable work in science without asking anything in retribucin. The influence of Dr. Bernardo Houssay on Leloir was decisive and the relationship between the two continued until Houssay's death in 1971.
Milstein Milstein Nobel Physiology and Medicine in 1984 Completed their studies for a degree in Chemistry in 1953 at the University of Buenos Aires. On his first trip to Great Britain a,he worked at the University of Cambridge in the analysis of ce tico fosfoglucomatasa and the chemistry of the Protein, under the supervision of the Nobel Prize for Dr. Sanger. Upon completing his work return to Argentina where he was appointed head of the Division of Molecular Biology at the National Institute of Bromatolog a, who performs under between 1961 and 1963, o year in which resignation. On the auspices of Dr. Sanger got a post at Cambridge in the Laboratory of Molecular Biology. Milstein he worked with Dr. Georges Kohler and in 1984 shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for studies of cells secreting antibodies or monoclonal antibodies.
Houssay Bernardo Houssay Nobel Physiology or Medicine in He was a doctor and logo exceptional born in Buenos Aires on April 10, 1887 and died in the same city on September 21, Wise described as genuine values, followed Houssay a line up in the culture and study of the physiology sciences. His name is respected in all schools doctors of the world as it is recognized as a teacher whose only destiny was to live for science. Therefore not cause any surprise that being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, shared with the spouses Carlos F. Cori and Gerry Radnitz. In 1958 their bodies establishing the National Research Council scientists.
Alfred Nobel Alfred ( ) After training in Russia and the United States returned to his father for help in the familiar business (the manufacture of explosives). In 1864 an explosion of nitroglycerine explosion killed his younger brother and four other people. Following this tragedy Alfred focused on the task of setting up a method for safely handling nitroglycerin. Dynamite was born. However, the dynamite was also useful in the manufacture of explosives. In his last will, he used his enormous fortune to institute the Nobel Prizes.
NOBEL PRIZES -physics -chemistry -literature -peace -physiology or medicine. -And then economy.