The Scientific Revolution: Breakthroughs in Medicine and Chemistry Galen – Greek physician who relied on animals for dissection Andreas Vesalius – based on observations from dissecting human beings William Harvey – added to Vesalius’s discoveries over the body Announced blood circulates through the body
The Scientific Revolution: Breakthroughs in Medicine and Chemistry Robert Hooke Discovered the first cell Robert Boyle Alchemist – tried to transform metals into precious metals Believed earth was composed of four elements Joseph Priestly Discovered the existence of oxygen Antoine Lavoisier – founder of modern Chemistry Wife Marie translated scientific essays from English and Latin Helped her husband learn more
The Scientific Revolution: Women and the Origins of Modern Science Margaret Cavendish – prominent female scientist Maria Winkelmann – astronomer Discovered a comet Could not get a position at the Berlin Academy because she was a woman
The Scientific Revolution: Descartes and Reason Rene Descartes French Philosopher Wrote about doubt and confusion of 1600s “I think, therefore I am” Separation of mind and body came from this principle Called the father of modern rationalism—system of thought based on the belief that reason is the chief source of knowledge.
The Scientific Revolution: The Scientific Method Scientific method – a systematic procedure for collecting and analyzing evidence Developed by Francis Bacon Scientists should use inductive reasoning Proceed from the particular to the general