Baseline Water Quality Data From Streams Along The Rocky Mountain Front, Montana and The Implications for Native Trout. Photo By: Taylor Johnson Triston Isakson and Wyatt Ostberg Fairfield High School Fairfield, MT
Cutthroat Trout Photo By: Dave Yerk
Grizzly Bears Photo By: Lisa Flowers
Location Map of Study Area
StreamCounty Dearborn RiverLewis and Clark Elk CreekLewis and Clark Sun RiverLewis and Clark Deep CreekTeton Teton RiverTeton Muddy CreekTeton Dupuyer CreekPondera Sheep CreekPondera Birch CreekPondera Badger CreekGlacier Two Medicine RiverGlacier
Field Sampling Physical and Chemical Photo By: R Hahn
Physical Parameters MeterUnitsDrinking Water/Trout Dissolved OxygenYSI 55mg/LTrout pHOakton Drinking Water/Trout TDSOaktonppmDrinking Water/Trout TurbidityHach 2100 PntuDrinking Water/Trout TemperatureOakton° CTrout
Chemical Lab Analysis Photo By: R Hahn
Chemical ParametersMeterUnitsDrinking Water/Trout CopperHach 2800ppmDrinking Water/Trout Hexavalent ChromiumHach 2800ppmDrinking Water LeadHach 2800ppmDrinking Water MolybdenumHach 2800ppmDrinking Water NitrateHach 2800ppmDrinking Water NitriteHach 2800ppmDrinking Water PhosphorusHach 2800ppmDrinking Water TSSEnergy LabppmWater Chemistry - Piper Diagram Bicarbonates HCO 3 Energy LabppmWater Chemistry - Piper Diagram Carbonate CO 3 Energy LabppmWater Chemistry - Piper Diagram ChlorideEnergy LabppmWater Chemistry - Piper Diagram SulfateEnergy LabppmWater Chemistry - Piper Diagram CalciumEnergy LabppmWater Chemistry - Piper Diagram IronEnergy LabppmWater Chemistry - Piper Diagram MagnesiumEnergy LabppmWater Chemistry - Piper Diagram PotassiumEnergy LabppmWater Chemistry - Piper Diagram SodiumEnergy LabppmWater Chemistry - Piper Diagram
Biological Field Sampling Macro-Invertebrate Photo By: R Hahn
Geology Overthrust Belt
Piper Diagram Plot of all Streams Water Chemistry
Dissolved Oxygen mg/L pHTemperature ° C Turbidity ntu PTI EPT Trout >17>18.5
Dissolved Oxygen mg/L pHTemperature ° C Turbidity ntu PTI EPT Trout >17>18.5
Native FishpHTemperature Dissolved Oxygen TurbidityPTIEPT Cutthroat Grayling Bull Dearborn River Native FishpHTemperature Dissolved Oxygen TurbidityPTIEPT Cutthroat Grayling Bull Elk Creek Native FishpHTemperature Dissolved Oxygen TurbidityPTIEPT Cutthroat Grayling Bull Sun River Native FishpHTemperature Dissolved Oxygen TurbidityPTIEPT Cutthroat Grayling Bull Deep Creek (Permissive = Green Not Permissive = Red) Native FishpHTemperature Dissolved Oxygen TurbidityPTIEPT Cutthroat Grayling Bull Teton River
Native FishpHTemperature Dissolved Oxygen TurbidityPTIEPT Cutthroat Grayling Bull Sheep Creek Native FishpHTemperature Dissolved Oxygen TurbidityPTIEPT Cutthroat Grayling Bull Dupuyer Creek Native FishpHTemperature Dissolved Oxygen TurbidityPTIEPT Cutthroat Grayling Bull Muddy Creek (Permissive = Green Not Permissive = Red)
Native FishpHTemperature Dissolved Oxygen TurbidityPTIETP Cutthroat Grayling Bull Two Medicine River Native FishpHTemperature Dissolved Oxygen TurbidityPTIETP Cutthroat Grayling Bull Badger Creek Native FishpHTemperature Dissolved Oxygen TurbidityPTIETP Cutthroat Grayling Bull Birch Creek (Permissive = Green Not Permissive = Red)
Native Fish Dearborn River Elk Creek Sun River Deep Creek Teton River Muddy Creek Dupuyer Creek Sheep Creek Birch Creek Badger Creek Two Medicine Bull Cutthroat Grayling Native Fish Dearborn River Elk Creek Sun River Deep Creek Teton River Muddy Creek Dupuyer Creek Sheep Creek Birch Creek Badger Creek Two Medicine Bull Cutthroat Grayling Eliminate EPT Index Streams With One or More Non Permissive Indicators (Permissive = Green Not Permissive = Red)
Teton River has an established Cutthroat Population Checked old data from Brock Allen, 2007 Upper TetonpH Dissolved OxygenTemperature 11/21/2007 Native FishpHTemperatureDissolved OxygenTurbidityPTIEPT Cutthroat Grayling Bull
Conclusions Each stream had at least one non permissive indicator. Temperature is the leading limitation to re-establishing native fish along the Rocky Mountain Front. The waters are too warm for Bull Trout. None of the stream evaluated has potential to re-introduce Bull, Cutthroat, or Grayling below the sample sites. The upper sections of the Teton River has a native Cutthroat population.
Next Step Based on high EPT values, and Brock Allen’s sampling from 2007 Evaluate Upper Reaches and Tributaries Teton River Detailed Macro-invertebrate survey Fish Inventory Intention to re-introduce/expand Cutthroat Trout
Next Step Based on the results for the Dearborn River Evaluate Upper Reaches and Tributaries Detailed Macro-invertebrate survey Fish Inventory Intention to re-introduce/expand Cutthroat Trout
Photo By: R Hahn Questions?