1.) Who started the Scientific Revolution? 2.) Were religious leaders happy with these new discoveries? 3.) EXPLAIN the quote…. “I think, therefore I am”
Before the Enlightenment….there was this revolution in how people thought about the world
Start of the Middle Ages Fall of the Roman Empire 1350 End of the Middle ages Start of the Renaissance 1700 End of the Renaissance Start of the Enlightenment End of the Enlightenment * Scientific Revolution* 1600’s
Brought about new ideas in: 1.) Viewing the physical world 2.) Universe 3.) Government ---- Absolute Monarchy 4.) Religion --- Question God’s role 5.) Science
Published: On Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres HELIOCENTRIC idea ---- universe revolves around the sun Later German astronomer Johannes Kepler, used his calculations to prove Nicolaus correct!!
In Italy, Galileo built an astronomical telescope Realized Earth revolved around the Sun. 1633, put on trial by the Inquisition for his “crazy” remarks….may be executed Forced to take back what he said As he left court, witnesses heard him say, “it does MOVE!”
Sir Francis Bacon (English) Rene Descartes (French) **Both reject Aristotle’s theory of Earth being flat Bacon’s Method: Experimentation and Observation Descartes’ Method: Human Reasoning Famous Quote…. “I think, therefore I am.”
Isaac Newton from: England Planets keep their orbit because of this force GRAVITY GRAVITY Chemistry: Robert Boyle (1600’s) Identifies individual elements and chemical compounds Medicine: William Harvey (1600’s) Heart pumps blood throughout the body
1.) Who started the Scientific Revolution? 2.) Were religious leaders happy with these new discoveries? 3.) EXPLAIN the quote…. “I think, therefore I am”
Please begin on this work right away Please begin on this work right away. You may complete it on the Notes handout I gave to you Friday….that is what I would suggest. Page 359 Section:5 #’s 3, 4, 6, & 7 #3. Why did some people oppose the HELIOCENTRIC theory of the universe? (Page 356) #4. How did the Scientific Method differ from earlier approaches? (Page 357) #6. “If I have seen further [than others] it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” What do you think he meant by this? (Page 358) #7. Identify 3 ways your life may have been different had this revolution no occurred.