Where does all of the energy come from? © T.P. Thould June 1999
ECOLOGY From:- Ecos - Homes ology - The study of…... The study of Plants and Animals in the places where they live.
ECOLOGICAL TERMS HABITAT where an animal or plant lives COMMUNITY all the organisms in a habitat ENVIRONMENT the surrounding which affects them FLORA AND FAUNA Plants and animals ECOSYSTEM the community and environment ADAPTATION suited to a particular environment
One of the eight characteristics of living things is that every living thing needs to feed. From the food they get the fuel to change into the sort of energy they need. The energy can be then used by the plant or animal for movement, growth etc. WHERE DOES THE ENERGY COME FROM?
This is a PRODUCER So is thisAnd this But this isn’t Neither is this Or this SO WHAT ARE PRODUCERS?
All green plants are PRODUCERS This is because they PRODUCE (make) the food for themselves and for the animals which eat them by PHOTOSYNTHESIS
Energy from the sun reaches the plant in the form of light and heat. The plant uses the sun’s energy to make food by Photosynthesis Photosynthesis PRODUCER
PHOTOSYNTHESIS Carbon Dioxide Water Chlorophyll absorbs the light energy from the sun and uses it to make Glucose sugar from carbon dioxide and water Sun’s energy This is how green plants make food:- +
All green plants are PRODUCERS This is because they PRODUCE the food for the animals by PHOTOSYNTHESIS The first animal to feed on the plant is called the PRIMARY CONSUMER All Primary Consumers are Herbivores i.e. plant eaters
Some of the energy from the sun is now in the Primary Consumer The Primary Consumer is eaten by the SECONDARY CONSUMER Secondary Consumers are all CARNIVORES or OMNIVORES
The Ladybird is a PRIMARY CONSUMER ……..Because it’s the first animal to feed on the plant
This is a SECONDARY CONSUMER It eats the Primary Consumer - in this case the Ladybird
SECONDARY CONSUMERS Are all CARNIVORES (meat eaters) or OMNIVORES (eat plants & animals )
Some of the energy from the sun is now in the Secondary Consumer The Hawk is the Third or Tertiary Consumer which now has some of the energy from the sun. PREDATOR PREY
BY NOW YOU SHOULD KNOW….. Examples of Food Chains and how to draw one Where the energy comes from to supply a food chain What sort of Organisms are Producers What is meant by Producers, Consumers, Predators, Prey, Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores
Some of the energy from the sun is in the PRODUCER Less of the energy from the sun is in the PRIMARY CONSUMER Even less of the energy from the sun is in the SECONDARY CONSUMER Some energy is lost from each link in the food chain by Respiration, Heat, Waste Growth and Movement ENERGY
A PYRAMID OF NUMBERS 1,000 Plants 100 Butterflies 2 Swifts Represents the numbers of each link in a Food Chain
A PYRAMID OF NUMBERS CAN BE DRAWN LIKE THIS It represents the numbers of each link in a Food Chain 1,000 Plants 100 Butterflies 2 Swifts
BY NOW YOU SHOULD KNOW….. How Energy is lost from a Food Chain Examples of Food Webs and how to draw one Where the energy comes from to supply a food web What is meant by a Pyramid of Numbers
QUESTION TIME 1What sort of living thing is a producer? 3From where do Producers get their energy? 4Animals which eat Producers are known as Primary what? 5Which animal is a Predator? 2 Why are they called Producers? 6Which animal is a Secondary Consumer and what does it eat? 7Where does all of the energy come from to start the food chain? 8Make up your own Food Chain and label it.
ECOLOGICAL SAMPLING To find out the type and numbers of plants to be found in a particular habitat there are different methods of sampling. Quadrats of different sizes Quadrat Grids Line Transects Profile Transects