USAID Agribusiness Project Increasing Fresh Berry Fruit Exports from Serbia
USAID Agribusiness Project: Duration: September 2007 – 2012 Serbia-wide Methodology: Provision of Technical Assistance throughout the Value Chain Primary Goals: Increase sales and exports, generate new employments Sectors: Berry Fruit Tree fruit Vegetables Livestock Dairy Herbs and Mushrooms
Cross-cutting components: USAID Agribusiness Project: Cross-cutting components: Marketing and Export Strengthening Producer Organizations – POs Agricultural Policy and Information Improving Agribusiness Development Services - ABDS Delivery Youth and Gender Program Environment
Sector characteristics: Commodities: raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, currants, blueberries >80,000 producers, >350 cold-stores, nearly 100 value-adding processors >$200 million sales in 2008 - $170 million exports, fresh < 0,01% - $30 million domestic market Varieties suitable mainly for processing
Main issues: Fragmented land-plots Outdated equipment and varieties Low productivity Raw materials prevailing in exports Insufficient investing in: Development of knowledge base Product development Marketing
Market trends – berry fruit: Globalization Improved transportation Growing volume of production (+30% 2000-05) Greater increase in consumption (+90% ‘02-07) Increasing consumption of fresh fruit New final or semi-final product development Promotion of health benefits from fresh fruit Convenience (due to the global crisis) Decreasing share of spending off-home and for luxury products
Berry Fruit Sub-sector Development Strategy
Main opportunities: Fresh market Higher value-added products and frozen retail packs Further diversification of production Production of high quality planting material and other inputs
1. Fresh market Improve product quality: Extend season by: Suitable varieties Food safety and Good Agricultural Practices Extend season by: Application of new technologies Introduction of suitable varieties Increase volume of production for fresh Certification (GlobalGAP, etc.) Improved marketing Logistics
Improving knowledge base: STTA for production under tunnels Expert advice to improve irrigation, nutrition, plant protection and post-harvest practices provided to 10 POs Six ABDS providers and 40 producers/ processors attended training seminars about new berry varieties for fresh market and production in high tunnels
Introduction of new technologies and varieties – Hargreaves Plants, UK Organized a series of presentations of UK-based nursery Hargreaves Plants and its high value berry fruit planting material to 35 Serbian producers, resulting in an increased interest in new varieties for fresh market
Introduction of new technologies: A new technology from Chile for extending shelf life of fresh raspberries demonstrated to businesses in Serbia Presented Chilean recent practices in harvesting, post-harvest management and shipping fresh berries
Introduction of new technologies: Ozone generators, a new technology for enhancing shelf-life of various fruits during transportation and storage presented to Serbia businesses
New varieties and production technology – Trade Mission to UK Improved cooperation with international / UK partners Improved access to new technologies and inputs Legislation on planting material categories harmonized Established new supply chain / imported 2 varieties and planted 10 ha of new raspberry fields for fresh market
Trade Fairs & Exhibitions International: Fruitlogistica, Berlin; Biofach, Nurnberg; SIAL, Paris; World Food, Moscow; Anuga, Cologne Local: Novi Sad and Nis Agricultural Fairs, Ethno Food Fair 31 businesses dealing with berries participated First ever exports of fresh raspberries contracted
Product quality & food safety GlobalGAP awareness campaign completed and introduction process commenced SPU trainings delivered
Post-harvest and packaging operations improvement Serbia Cold Chain Study completed and published STTA delivered to 10 POs dealing with fresh blueberries and other berries A series of advisory and consulting services delivered
HALF-WAY results – 2009 season: Total fresh berry fruit sales achieved : US$176,500 (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries) Exports- fresh berries: US$76,000 – EU and Russia (strawberries, blueberries and mixed berries) Employment created: 2 full-time, 6 part-time and 47 seasonal jobs
HALF-WAY other achievements made: Established contacts with leading EU retail –chains and distributors and first trial deliveries made GlobalGAP introduction commenced New varieties introduced and initial 10 ha of new fields established 2 new partnerships established Serbian & UK planting material standards harmonized Assisted protection of geographic indication of origin for Arilje raspberries Supported development of 12 national/regional POs Improved knowledge-base - over 260 producers and 8 ABDS providers trained, etc.
On-going and future activities: High-tunnel production training program Blueberry and cranberry ToT programs Study tours and Trade missions Improvement of post-harvest & packaging operations Improved utilization of Logistics & Consolidation services Grants to enhance application of new technologies & product development, market access and POs development GlobalGAP Certification Exhibiting at selected trade fairs Promotional campaigns Strengthening Supply Chain
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Contact details: Saša Marušić, Berry Fruit Sector Lead USAID Serbia Agribusiness Project Regional Office in Čačak, D. Mišovića 73 Tel/Fax: ++ 381 32 371 554; Mob. +381 63 302 185 E-mail: Web-sajt: