EITI Mary Hunt, International EITI Secretariat October 2006 UK DEPARTMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Page 1 EITI – The Basics Proposed by PM Blair at Sustainable Development Summit Johannesburg, A coalition of governments, companies, civil society groups, investors and international organizations. Supports improved governance in resource rich countries through the full publication and verification of company payments and government revenues from oil, gas, and mining.
Page 2 Story So Far st EITI conference; Pilots; March London Conference (300 delegates) EITI Source Book (criteria; Guidance; templates) International Advisory Group Estalished. Goal is to defiine and refine proposals on: Future Management Arrangements; How to verify implementation; Other future challenges for EITI. IAG will report to the Oslo Conference
Page 4 EITI Criteria 1. Regular publication of payments and revenues received by governments from oil, gas, and mining companies. 2. Payments and revenues are the subject of a credible, independent audit 3. Payments and revenues are reconciled by a credible, independent administrator 4. Approach extended to all companies including state- owned enterprises 5. Civil society is actively engaged 6. A public, financially sustainable work plan
Page 5 Local and state Companies Multinationals Implementing governments Local civil society groups Intl organisations IFIs and RDBs Donors Investors Intl civil society groups EITI Stakeholders
Page 6 Interest (8+)Committed (12)Implementing (8)Supporters EITI countries
Page 7
Page 8 The role of EITI Supporters Political leadership – encouraging support in international fora and bilaterally; Coalition building – bringing more developing countries, donors, companies, and civil society organisations into the process; Policy development - eg verification of EITI process; future arrangements; incentives; links to other initiatives; emerging economy buy-in; Supporting implementing countries – providing advice and capacity building; Funding of the EITI multi-donor trust fund in the World Bank
Page 9 Types of assistance for implementing countries Capacity building for government. Capacity building for civil society. Mentoring – eg on stakeholder management. Funding of administrator / auditor costs. Project management costs. Publication and dissemination costs.
Page 10 Future of EITI IAG will report at Oslo Conference on : Validation Future Governance Key policy challenges for EITI (Emerging Economies;mining;subnational issues; incentives; links with other initiatives); Priority Issues = Increasing support base for EITI (Donors; MDBs; Emerging Economies Financing Location of Secretariat
Page 11 Thank-You