MISSION... The Records Management Committee is dedicated to the efficient management of all County records. The Records Management Committee is dedicated to the efficient management of all County records. The RMC assists in providing: Secure, accessible records storage Maximized utilization of space and other resources Ability to provide responsive customer service regarding County records Compliance with legal requirements
OBJECTIVE OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT... Providing the right information to the right person at the right time at the lowest possible cost. Providing the right information to the right person at the right time at the lowest possible cost.
PROGRESS MADE... SINCE LAST BOS PRESENTATION: September 17, 2002 Countywide Document Imaging Policy and Standards adopted. Pilot scanning programs started in Public Works, Auditor, District Attorney. Public Defender office pilot pending. ImagingPoliciesandStandards.pdf Countywide Document Imaging Policy and Standards adopted. Pilot scanning programs started in Public Works, Auditor, District Attorney. Public Defender office pilot pending. ImagingPoliciesandStandards.pdf CAO approved revised Records Retention Schedules for Library, County Clerk, Fire. New Records Retention Schedules for Civil Grand Jury. In progress, new schedule for Public Guardian. Records Storage Facility Compliance with safety inspections Compliance with safety inspections Completion of installation of heavy duty shelving Destruction Derby September 2002 Completion of installation of heavy duty shelving Destruction Derby September 2002 Spring Clean Up Week May cubic feet of records destroyed 5735 cubic feet of space saved to date
EDUCATION Prior Accomplishments: Records Management Training Classes and Manual In Process... Development of Records Management brochure for use in new employee orientations Records Management Training Video & CD produced by RMC and IST Portable Scanner for interdepartmental use
WORK PLAN... A. Continued promotion of Records Management countywide: Incorporate Records Management into fundamental County operations Include Records Management activities, particularly document imaging, in job descriptions Develop job specifications for a future County Records Manager Add Records Management training to new employee orientation
WORK PLAN... B. Support Implementation of Technical Solutions Provide guidelines for document management for e- mails Provide information, training on records management software Countywide survey re status on imaging, electronic records, retention and storage; assess costs/space savings.
WORK PLAN... C. Develop Disaster Recovery Plan Identify records that are CRITICAL to County operation Define what is required to protect these records in a disaster Improve systems that are currently in place.
Key to the Future… Implementing Records Management Solutions Development of long-term strategies for the management of County records. Updating Records Retention Schedules and provide training on their use. Adopting appropriate storage solutions for both long- term and permanent records storage, such as imaging.
SPRING CLEAN-UP 2003 Saved 1872 cubic feet of storage space
RMC: We’re here to help
Thanks on behalf of the Records Management Committee Doug Allen, Assessor –RecorderKaren Kindig, Library Ebrahim Azarbakhsh, Retirement Supranee Mai, Auditor-Controller Kallie Bechler-La Fleche, ParksMelanie Phelps, H&HS Margaret Bohan, DPWMark Pioli, Assessor Steve Blair, Probation Deborah Preston, Courts Linda Christman, CAO, Emeritus Karen Richardson, Courts Effie Cook, Farm AdvisorMaria Rohner, County Counsel Ernest Culver, Auditor ControllerIan Roth, CDA Martha Cushman, ISTDiane Sauer, BOS Nelly Dolinsek, Public DefenderCarol Sewell, District Attorney Helen Donahey, District AttorneySharon Silver, CDA Jennifer Dyment, IST Neva Smith, Probation Paulette Engler, County CounselBecky Snyder, BOS Marilyn Filbrun, IST Joe Spaeth, Public Defender Barbara Guastavino, SheriffTeri Taketa-Graham, Probation KathyHaley, Treas/Tax CollectorPhoenicia Thomas, Fire Carly Halyard, ISTPolly Thune, Sheriff Ann Keaton, Agriculture Jody Timms, H&HS Frances Kennedy, CourtsKathy Tobin, Assessor Sue Kettman, H&HS Sandy White, Human Resources Joyce Whitney, County Clerk