Topics Background Big pic Detailed pic 12/12/12 2
Program Basics: Documents Identity Assurance Assessment Framework Identity Assurance Profiles Bronze (NIST Level 1) Silver (NIST Level 2) Assurance Addendum to the Participation Agreement 3 12/12/12
Program Basics: Assurance Advisory Committee (AAC) What is the AAC, and what does it do? Represents stakeholders in the assurance process: IdPs, SPs, auditors Oversight for program Advisory to Steering Assess applications, recommend approval (or denial) to Steering Recommend changes to documents or program
Program Basics: Assurance Advisory Committee (AAC) Who is the AAC? Tim Cameron, National Student Clearinghouse (SP) Mary Dunker, Chair, Virginia Tech University (IdP) Steve Devoti, University of Wisconsin-Madison (IdP) 2 nd Auditor Jacob Farmer, Indiana University (member at large) Chris Holmes, Baylor University (InCommon Steering) Scott Koranda, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee/LIGO (SP) Steve Kurncz, Michigan State University (auditor) Ann West, InCommon/Internet2 (InCommon staff) 12/12/12 5
Assurance Advisory Committee (AAC) Ex-Officio (non-voting) Marilyn McMillan, New York University (InCommon Steering) Tom Barton, University of Chicago (InCommon TAC) Renee Shuey, Penn State (InCommon TAC) Jack Suess, UMBC (InCommon Steering) For more information, visit 12/12/12 6
FICAM Trust Framework Providers Identity Credential and Access Management Subcommittee Federal CIO Council Information Security and Identity Management Committee Trust Framework Provider Adoption Process (2009) Comparability assessment as basis for LoA requirements. Incorporates previous work done by the Feds as well under E-Authentication Initiative Privacy, organizational maturity, legal status, authority for InCommon and for InCommon to assess for IdP Operators Web SSO SAML2 Profile: Over the wire Trust Framework Providers InCommon, Kantara, OIX, Safe/BioPharma 12/12/12 7
InCommon’s History with FICAM Spring begun review by FICAM. Community implememtatino begun. Fall - Refining of Silver begun due to community feedback 2011 Spring – 1.1 Reviewed and approved by community Fall – FICAM asks for Simplified Bronze. InCommon develops Spring – 1.0 and InCommon fullly approved TFP. 1.2 reviewed and approved by community. InCommon submits1.2 to FICAM for their approval. Est January – 1.2 approved by FICAM. 12/12/12 8
What’s the hold up? This is a new audit! Federal availability FICAM program evolving Negotiating on behalf of Higher Ed Changes reflected in 1.2 requires resubmission for the spec Big pic items 12/12/12 9
Alternative Means IAAF 1.1: “From time to time, InCommon may identify alternative means developed by experts from the Research & Higher Education sector as specifying means that are comparable or superior to identified requirements in one or more of its IAPs. “ Page 2: “Normative criteria to be used in an assessment process are expressed in separate Identity Assurance Profile and approved alternative means documents.” 12/12/12 10
Who’s Spec is it Anyway? Hot potato Time and Trust How do we evaluate these things? Who gets to say? Where will this show up? Authentication technologies: multifactor Cryptography: AD Silver Cookbook Identity proofing: knowledge-based 12/12/12 11
Other Big Pics: Where we are… Bronze audit and no-audit option Bronze and Credential Issuance and Management Bronze and protection of PII Registration and Credential Records Retention – 7.5 years Approved Algorithm – Alternative Means Scope: Profiles are password only – Alternative Means 12/12/12 12
What’s Next? Develop Process for Alternative Means with Assurance Advisory Committee Continue discussion to work through a couple detailed questions Work on FICAM approval expected January 2013 Publish FICAM-approved spec for community review Announce implementation extravaganza and programs! 12/12/12 13