ECOMM 2009 Training session: How to involve elderly citizens in mobility issues Jan Christiaens / Lies Lambert Research-project MESsAGE: Mobility and the elderly: successfully ageing in a sustainable transport system
Agenda Introduction to MESsAGE Engage ! Engaging in an action research on mobility situation of conference centre through role playing game 1.Analysis of black points (round table) 2.Development of the action (round table) 3.Presentation of the action (plenary) Closing remarks
Introduction to MESsAGE research project funded by the Federal Research Programme for sustainable development partners: VUB, ULB, Mobiel 21 OBJECTIVES the extension of the transportation autonomy of older people increase the use of sustainable transport modes within this target group
Introduction to MESsAGE WP1: literature review WP2: Quantitative research Analysis surveys on travel behaviour & on needs among elderly people VUB WP3:Qualitative research Observations, interviews & collective discussions with elderly ULB WP4:Action research Pilot participatory methods with elderly M21 WP5: Integration of research conclusions and policy recommendations
Research questions? -How often, where to, how and when are elderly citizens mobile? -Are there hindering factors? (individual, social, financial) -How important is mobility for them? -Are there any needs, problems, concerns or wishes? -Can we find solutions? -Does local mobility policy take into account these needs and problems? -How can elderly people influence policy?
Overview 1. Elderly minority in traffic 1999 = 1/6 Belgians 65 j = 1/4 Belgians 60 j = 1/3 Belgians 60 j. THEREFORE… Its important to know their mobility pattern, needs, problems and concerns
Overview 2. Elderly people are less mobile (lesser trips outdoors, lesser long-distance trips, other motives, other times) BUT… Next generation =better educated increased level of welfare higher life expectancy healthier for a longer period Higher degree of mobilty and Ageing in place
Overview 3. Cars on pole position car = central role in transportautonomy BECAUSE… Best answer to diffuse and complexe mobility needs ( commuter travel) Feeling of guaranteed security (highest perception of safety) Most accessible (+ guarantee on accessibility of destinations)
Overview 4. Elderly pedestrians & cyclists are vulnerable Involved in an accident 25% more fatalities and casualties than average Cyclists over 75 y. risk of having an accident becomes very high THEREFORE… Risk-avoiding behaviour (cfr. Clever driving management) = avoid driving after dark, in bad weather conditions or in rush hour, detours to avoid bad footpaths, …
Overview 5. Elderly people = walkers Walking = specific transport mode (everybody walks, often in relation with other modes, … BUT… Feelings of insecurity Conflicts Physical limitations
Overview 6. Needs, concerns, wishes? More courtesy among road users, bus drivers,.. Design of public space Infrastructure at busstops, points of rest, footpaths, … Traffic management Traffic lights, pedestrian crossings Tailored information & education
Action-research? Specific research methodology which conducts research: … which involves all relevant parties in actively examining together current action in order to change and improve it. Wadsworth, Y. (1998)
Participative Action Research Action research Five sites (Sint-Truiden, Leuven, Brussel, Gembloux, Mons) Same cyclical process (needs analysis, planning, implementation and evaluation) Common monitoring and evaluation framework (survey and group evaluation) General Variety of backgrounds, group compositions and group dynamics Duration: between 7 months and one year (5-10 meetings)
Results of action research Needs Analysis Sint-truidenLeuvenMonsGemblouxBrussels Courtesy Tailored and targeted information on PT Courtesy Respect on buses Focus on youth Infrastructure Courtesy Citizen participation Lack of info about needs and desires of elderly population Accessibility of PT Courtesy Congestion, Noise pollution
Results of action research Actions Sint-TruidenLeuvenMonsGemblouxBrussels Survey towards elderly population on needs concerning information and information channels Articles on PT- info (written by the AR-group) published in city magazine Campaign on courtesy in buses of Leuven (posters and postcards) Scrap-book with pictures and explanation on black points Round-table with policy-makers Scientific survey on needs and desires concerning mobility Guided tour on Brussels PT – network in presence of Ministry of Transport and PT-providers
Main findings (1) Needs analysis Information on public transport Lack of tailored and targeted information Complexity of the public transport system Problematic accessibility of the pt system Referral to infrastructure Sidewalks and cycle lanes Roundabouts and crossing Lighting Lack of courtesy and respect
Main findings (2) Action External coaching is needed Support of local authorities or senior organisations Good welcome (location, atmosphere) Clear step-by-step plan Talking phase is very important Clear division of tasks Continuous process Evaluation and follow-up Conclusion Mobility matters! Elderly are willing to participate and to give their opinion. Elderly can act themselves and stand up for themselves Elderly want to be listened to and believed in by authorities.
Results of action research Why use action research in your community Innovative approach on participation (from complaints to co- production of policy measures) Improve involvement of elderly citizens in your local policy Hands-on, pragmatic methodology In-depth analysis Input for local policy Competence building of elderly citizens and local policymakers
Engage ! PART 1: analysis of black points Check your identity-card Try to discuss as much problems as possible Accessibility Quality of environment Safety Write them down Try to prioritise
Engage ! PART 2: Development of the action Choose one action-theme Discuss action Method Target Target group Division of tasks Stakeholders Try to be as real as possible
Engage ! PART 3: presentation of the action Present your action Process Why is your action likely to have serious impact?
Closing remarks What do you take home? What would you suggest to improve?
Thank you for your attention and cooperation ! Jan ChristiaensLies Lambert