SDC JE-Matsue May 1999 Bruce Bargmeyer U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Tel: (202) WWW URL:
SDC JE-Matsue Concept SignObject Elements of Terminology trout Salmo trutta brown trout truite any of several game fishes of the genus Salmo, related to the salmon...
SDC JE-Matsue Terminology TermsContextConcept trout Salmo trutta truite common name scientific name French name any of several game fishes of the genus Salmo, related to the salmon... UIN=6349
SDC JE-Matsue Search Example: Trout FishTrout DocumentsData Search Engine TermsContext Concept Brown trout Salmo trutta truite common name scientific name French name UIN=6349 Thesaurus Salmo trutta Brown Trout trout fish
SDC JE-Matsue TermsContext Concept Brown trout Salmo trutta truite common name scientific name French name UIN=6349 Data Elements Name Name: trout species Definition: The names of species of trout. Values: brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis brown trout Salmo trutta cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarkii
SDC JE-Matsue Systems: STORET Envirofacts... DBMS Query TermsContext Concept Brown trout Salmo trutta truite common name scientific name French name UIN=6349 Web-enabled Forms EDI Messages Data Interchange Federal Register Regulations Reports Documents Publishing Data Elements
SDC JE-Matsue TermsContext Concept Brown trout Salmo trutta truite common name scientific name French name UIN=6349 Local Mapping Central Mapping Query Agent Broker Mediator Resource Agent Intelligent Information Services (IIS): Ontology Example: fishtroutbrown trout
SDC JE-Matsue General European Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus (GEMET) DOE Environment, Safety and Health Thesaurus UMLS & Data Elements Terminology Sources TermsContext Concept Brown trout Salmo trutta truite common name scientific name French name UIN=6349 Facilitated Sessions: EDEN Sponsors Government State/Local Private Enterprise Academe
SDC JE-Matsue Terminology Management Dictionary Keyword OntologyThesaurus Data Elements Search Engine DBMS/EDI/ Documents IIS a category of vertebrate, cold-blooded craniate animals with permanent gills...
SDC JE-Matsue
u System managers u System developers u Subject area specialists u Program managers u Scientists u Non-government Organizations (NGOs) u Public u Legislative bodies u Statistician/analysts u Regulation writers u …….. Users:
SDC JE-Matsue u Produce State of the Environment report u Design/build computer systems u Write legislation and regulations u Track/monitor status of environment u Perform statistical analyses u Solve problems u Conduct environmental planning Activities:
SDC JE-Matsue Users Accessing Text and Data environ agriculture climate human health industry tourism soil water air textdata environ agriculture climate human health industry tourism soil water air text ambiente agricultura tiempo salud hunano industria turismo tierra agua aero textdata environ agriculture climate human health industry tourism soil water air textdata Others... ambiente agricultura tiempo salud huno industria turismo tierra agua aero textdata
SDC JE-Matsue Search Engine Others Metadata Registry Terminology Thesaurus Themes Data Standards Ontology GEMET Structured Metadata Users
SDC JE-Matsue Search Engine Others Users
SDC JE-Matsue Search Engine Metadata Registry Terminology Thesaurus Themes Data Standards Ontology GEMET Structured Metadata Others Users
SDC JE-Matsue Metadata Registry Terminology Thesaurus Themes Data Standards Ontology GEMET Structured Metadata Intelligent Systems Middle Ware InfoSleuth Others Users
SDC JE-Matsue Semantics Management Dictionary Keyword OntologyThesaurus Data Elements Search Engine DBMS/EDI/ Documents IIS
SDC JE-Matsue Data Element Concept AFG BEL CHN DNK EGY FRA DEU ………… ISO 3166 English Name ISO 3166 Number ………… ISO 3166 Alpha-3 Definition Unique ID Name and Context Maintenance Organization Steward Classification Registration Authority Others ….. Afghanistan Belgium China Denmark Egypt France Germany ………… Afghanistan Belgium China Denmark Egypt France Germany …………
SDC JE-Matsue AFG BEL CHN DNK EGY FRA DEU ………… ………… Afghanistan Belgium China Denmark Egypt France Germany …………
SDC JE-Matsue Sharing Metadata Between Registries ISO/IEC Metadata Registry Standard Defense Data Dictionary System Catalog of Data Sources Health Care Finance Administration Intelligent Transportation System Standard Data
SDC JE-Matsue Biological terms New species New classification Scientific Name Vernacular Name Taxonomic Serial Number ISO ANSI Industry Gov’t Impacts of Data Change
SDC JE-Matsue Chemicals New chemical Systematic Name Synonym CAS Number ISO ANSI Industry Gov’t Impacts of Data Change
SDC JE-Matsue Impacts of Data Change ISO ANSI Industry Gov’t Country Country changes CZ Czechoslovakia* CZ Czech Republic** LO Slovakia** * FIPS PUB 10-3 ** FIPS PUB 10-4 Change
SDC JE-Matsue As changes in the world occur, metadata changes will be recorded and effectively communicated between registries. Change ISO ANSI Industry Gov’t ISO/IEC Metadata Registry Standard Defense Data Dictionary System Catalog of Data Sources Health Care Finance Administration Intelligent Transportation System Standard Data
SDC JE-Matsue
ISO 11179, Parts 1-6 l Part 1: Framework for the Specification and Standardization of Data Elements l Part 2: Classification for Data Elements l Part 3: Basic Attributes of Data Elements l Part 4: Rules and Guidelines for the Formulation of Data Definitions l Part 5: Naming and Identification Principles for Data Elements l Part 6: Registration of Data Elements
SDC JE-Matsue l Object extensions l Extend ISO/IEC for complex data l Technical report on registry content l Using XML to embed and exchange metadata l Terminology l Global Information Locator Service (GILS) Interface to Metadata Registry New Work Items ISO extensions
SDC JE-Matsue In Progress l In ProgressDeveloping an International Coalition of Metadata Registry Implementers to: u Share information and experiences u Develop freeware version of a metadata registry to share environmental metadata u Stimulate commercialization to provide commercial off-the-shelf software
SDC JE-Matsue In Progress - EDEN l Collaborating with Environmental Data Exchange Network (EDEN) u InfoSleuth demonstration - value mapping u InfoSleuth demonstration - ontology u Registry demonstration - data elements - documenting the meaning (content) of the data, describing the quality of the data.
SDC JE-Matsue Bruce Bargmeyer U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Tel: (202) WWW URL: