Evaluation and Continuation of successful and innovative Mobility Projects in the Region Tennengau / province Salzburg Doris Kammerer Program-Management klima:aktiv mobil Mobility Management for Cities, Municipalities and Regions Christian Steiner Business Manager of the Association Region Tennengau Initiator of the Project Employee-Mobility Tennengau
The Initiative klima:aktiv BUILDING & REHABILITATION RENEWABLE ENERGY MOBILITY SAVING ENERGY Climate Protection Initiative – Austrian Climate Strategy of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management companies, public authorities and administrations schools and youth organizations cities, municipalities and regions leisure and tourism branch developers in the building and real estate sector and investors Mobility Management 500 klima:aktiv mobil Partners > tons CO 2 /year consulting funding motivating awarding
Switch from road traffic to public transport Commuter traffic high potential to reduce CO 2 Habitual mobility-attitudes New, attractive offers + promotion employees reconsider means of transport testing alternative means of transport (public transport) Initiator: association Region Tennengau Pilot Phase: – Employee-Mobility Tennengau
Implementation Financial investment by companies lump-sum: Ø about 2 per employee per month Employee-Mobility-Card: free use of bus and train for distance residence – work place also in the leisure time Transportation company: adjustment of the public transport schedules amplification of the public transport routes Companies six companies with more than employees participated adjustment of the working and shift hours number of employees contribution per year – – above
Costs for the amplification of the bus routes Losses of Returns Costs and Financing Starting costs mobility consultation traffic planning Printing costs mobility-card
Evaluation - qualitative Motives and Evaluation by the companies + Optimization of public transport offer + Environment protection + Safety of employees on the way to work + Mobility-Card = social contribution + Decrease of need of parking area – Not all employees profit Evaluation by the transportation company + Better use of public transport capacity + Low influence on peak periods (shift operation companies) Further adjustment of time-tables and working hours necessary!
Evaluation – quantitative Source: ÖBB-Postbus GmbH, RV Tennengau, 2008 TOTAL Mobility-Card-Usage
Evaluation – quantitative Frequency of Mobility-Card Use Source: ÖBB-Postbus GmbH, 2008
Evaluation Change in choice of means of transport Decrease of road traffic: Way to work: from 49 % to 23 % – km/year > 520 t CO 2 /year Leisure time: – km/year > 35 t CO 2 /year Increase of use of public transport from 26 % to 40 % km/year + 55 t CO 2 /year Total CO 2 -reduction: > 500 tons CO 2 /year awards, rewards and publications broad effect and promotion of Jobtickets
Forecast - Continuation Province Salzburg: Incentives for using public transport for employees Implementation of the jobticket-model possible Tennengau: Continuation since per employee and week 50% reduction for annual ticket 20 % bonus from the province Salzburg 3 companies, total of employees
Guest-Ticket Aims: Hiking and excursion destinations reachable by public transport Soft Mobility reduction of pollution Better use of capacity of the actual offer of public transport no additional costs Offer: Guest-Ticket: Adults 1 und Children 0,50 (all public transport routes in the Region Tennengau to City Salzburg) Financing: Association Region Tennengau, Guest-Service Tennengau, Transportation Companies
Guest-Ticket Results: guests (2008) Reduction of about km > 100 tons CO2-reduction per year Best practice, awards Continuation for an indefinite time decided Amplification offer valid the whole year rides per year
Thank you for your attention! Muchas gracias por su atención! Eskerrik asko eskaini diguzun arretagatik! Doris Kammerer Christian Steiner