SCHOLARLY JOURNALS AND ARTICLES BY: JENNY FUDICKAR Click Here 1st Click here to type your name.
What are scholarly journals? Scholarly journals report research findings on specific topics. Webster's Third International Dictionary defines scholarly as: 1) concerned with academic study, especially research, 2) exhibiting the methods and attitudes of a scholar, and 3) having the manner and appearance of a scholar.
Journal Articles vs. Popular Articles ScholarlyPopular Written by professors, expertsWritten by journalists Lengthy: pagesBrief: 1-5 pages Extensive bibliographyUsually no bibliography Plain, few graphicsColorful, lots of graphics Little advertisingAdvertising Technical, specialized languageNontechnical, accessible language Audience: scholarsAudience: laypeople Report research findingsEntertain and provide information Source: Stebbins, L.F. (2006). Student Guide to Research in the Digital Age (p. 44). Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
Using a database to find scholarly articles What is a According to Stebbins (2006), “a database can be any searchable online collection of citations to information resources or full-text information resources such as books or articles (180)”. Some databases provide full text articles immediately or provide a link to the full text article. Some databases just provide a citation and abstract of the article.
Types of Databases Large multidisciplinary aggregators Federated search engines Specialized article databases Enormous and diverse range Used to search many types of databases Focus is on a Specific discipline or subject Full text is usually available Citations provided; full text is available some
Searching a Database Boolean Searching Truncations Limiting Descriptors Phrases Publication Date Language Publication Type
Boolean Searching Research question: Does homework help students learn? 1. Break your search into major concepts Concepts: student and homework 2. Develop synonyms for each concept student: scholar, learner homework: training, research 3. Combine synonyms with “or” and different concepts with “and”. This is known as Boolean searching.
Boolean Searching, cont. Synonyms are linked by “or” Different Concepts are linked by “and”
Boolean Searching,cont. When the database only has one search box, use “nesting”. Nesting uses parentheses to indicate which searches should be performed first. (student or scholar or learner) and (homework or training or research)
Truncations Use the truncation symbol “*” to retrieve plurals and other word endings. Type: child* to retrieve child or children Type: adolescen* to retrieve adolescent or adolescence or adolescents
Limiting Databases have pull- down boxes that allow the searcher to ‘limit’ the search in different ways. An example is at the right.
Limiting, cont. The searcher can limit a search by any of the following in most databases: Subject heading Descriptor Phrases Year Published Language Publication Type
Locating Articles There are 3 ways to search for an article using a database. The first way is to use a full-text database. This is the most convenient because it will connect the searcher to the article immediately online.
Locating Articles, cont. The second way is to search an article database and click on the linking symbol for an individual article entry. It may say “Get It” or “Find It”. This will take the searcher to an online article or give a call number for the print version in the library.
Locating Articles The third way is to search an article database and then check the library catalog.
Evaluate Articles Is the article scholarly? Written by professors, experts Lengthy: pages Extensive bibliography Plain, few graphics Little advertising Technical, specialized language Audience: scholars Report research findings Check the following when looking for a scholarly article. Take a Look
Extra Review If you need an extra review before you take your quiz, click here. Otherwise begin your quiz on the next slide.
Articles written by journalists are: Scholarly ArticlesPopular Articles
The glossy covers on these are meant to attract people at the supermarket check-out counter: Scholarly Journals Popular Magazines
Articles that use technical, specialized language to report research findings will be found in: Scholarly Journals Popular Magazines
Brief, 1-5 page articles with no bibliography will be found in a : Scholarly JournalPopular Magazine
These are usually colorful with lots of graphics and advertisements: Scholarly Journals Popular Magazines
Articles that attract scholars are popular articles? True False
An article with few graphics and little advertising is a scholarly article? TrueFalse
A lengthy article written by a professional in the field is a popular article? TrueFalse
Look at the article then answer the question. This is a scholarly article? TrueFalse
Review the video and then answer true or false. True False
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References Bussert, K. (Producer). (2008). Research minutes: How to recognize and find scholarly articles [video]. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Library. Retrieved October 1, 2008, from Gove, P. (Ed.). et al. (1993). Webster’s third new international dictionary (unabridged). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, Inc. Stebbins, L.F. (2006). Student Guide to Research in the Digital Age. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited. The Department of English at Purdue University includes several images of their journal Modern Fiction Studies on their website ( The Journal of the American Medical Association includes a picture of their journal on their website ( The University of Central Oklahoma’s Chambers Library website provides tutorials on a variety of subjects that relate to library usage like ‘Finding Articles’ ( Thompson, B. (2008). Because I said so. Scholastic parent & child, 43.