BY: Alyssa, Alexa, Matt, and Kelly
2.G.A.1: Reason with shapes and their attributes: Recognize and draw shapes having specified attributes, such as a given number of given faces. Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons and cubes. STANDARD
26 Second Grade Students 1 Student just arrived from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Pre production stage 4 Students since beginning of the year Speech emergence stage. 3 Students with Spanish language households. Intermediate language proficiency stage. SCENARIO
The “myth” that mathematics transcends language is detrimental to the interests of ESL students While many ESL students quickly develop a basic level of conversational English, it takes several years to develop more specialized academic English. CHALLENGES
Read book Line objects on board Index cards with name of each shape Point to the _____ Does it have _____ sides? What’s the difference between _____ and ______? THE GREEDY TRIANGLE
Model the Worksheet, shape, # of sides pdf Use the objects in front of you to trace the other shapes in your dictionary. Write the name of the shapes in both English and your native language Count the number of sides LOWER LEVEL
Use the book: The Greedy Triangle Write the names of the different shapes in both languages in your dictionary Write the number of sides each shape has. Provide examples from the book. USE SENTENCES! MIDDLE LEVEL
Write the names of the different objects we covered on individual pages in your dictionary. Scavenger hunt! Walk around the classroom and find as many shapes/objects as possible Draw the objects in your dictionary Write how many sides each object has. Use sentences! HIGHER LEVEL
Mathematical resources for teachers Strategies in connected Mathematics by This article supplies educators with a list of strategies that can be used in the classroom with English language learners. Teaching Mathematics and English to English Language Learners Simultaneously by David Slavit & Gisela Ernst-Slavi This article discusses ways in which middle school mathematics teachers can assist their students, and particularly ELLs, in a two-for-one learning experience—learning both mathematics and the discourse skills needed to successfully participate in reform-oriented mathematics classrooms Strategies for Teaching Mathematics to English Language Learners Beatrice Moore-Harris -Numbers Mathematics Professional Development This article is a brief overview of second language acquisition theory and it provides information about cultural differences and differentiating instruction for English Language Learners (ELL) Creating a Middle School Mathematics Curriculum for English-Language Learner By Barbara Freeman and Linday Crawford HELP Math is a Web-based supplemental curriculum composed of a series of rich interactive lessons with essential math vocabulary and academic concepts so that students can better understand the content. It is a great vehicle for informing the field about designing mathematics curricula specifically for this population of students.
Key Aspects 1. Learn about the background of your students. Showing them that you are interested in them will build strong relationships between students and teachers. 2. Require participation at all levels. 3. Use graphic organizers. 4. Utilize English language. 5. SPEAK SLOWLY! #1 CONNECTED MATHEMATICS PROJECT
Key Aspects 1.Understanding academic language and how it can be used productively. 2.Reinforcement of high frequency, general, specialized and technical vocabulary. 3.Productive for all students. 4.Again stresses group activities. 5.With Common Core moving towards more word problems, mathematics may not be the universal language paradise that we believe. #2 TEACHING MATHEMATICS AND ENGLISH SIMULTANEOUSLY
Key Aspects 1.Using Mathematical Interventions for Students 2.Found positive results. 3.Intervening, good planning and utilizing proper instructional techniques has a positive correlation for student performance. 4.For us: Identify key areas of difficulty, especially language barriers and address them accordingly. 5.This will yield positive results for all students particularly ELL children. ARTICLE #3 REMEDIAL AND SPECIAL EDUCATION
Key Aspects 1.Comprehensible Input: Modify language, vocabulary for lower level students, use cognates. Linguistic knowledge essential to solving work problems. 2.Reduce Anxiety: Acculturation, creating predictable routines, consistant formatting of assignments. 3.Context Clues: Prefixes, suffixes, use of preexisting vocabulary, emphasize key vocabulary. 4.Verbal Interaction: Group work, think-pair-share, pair in hetero and homogenous groups 5.Active Participation: Assign roles, collaborative projects, prompting, know your levels, note taking. ARTICLE #4: STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING MATHEMATICS
1.The metric system 2.Monetary system 3.Different computation methods 4.Use bilingual dictionaries, word walls 5.Exit slips 6.Play games to keep students interest 7.Speak clearly and slowly 8.Repeat/Rephrase as much as possible 9.Use total body communication 10.Test taking skills THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND