Tutorial:Engineering metrology Topic: Metrology terminology Prepared by: Ing. Pavel Rožek Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/ je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.
Metrology terminology
Terminology in metrology is used to communication in branch metrology. International dictionary of basic and general terms in metrology (ČSN ) divides into 6 chapters: 1. Quantities and units 2. Measuring 3. Measuring results 4. Gauges 5. Gauges´ characteristics 6. Etalons (Standards)
( Measurable ) quantity Effect´s, body´s or material´s quality which is possible to quantitatively distinguish and qualitatively determine Unit (measuring) Specifically determined quantity which is defined and accepted by convention, that other similar quantities are compared with in order to expressing their values in relation to this quantity There are mentioned only the most common and frequently used terms:
(Measuring) unit’s sign Conventional sign for unit (measuring) marking Measuring Set of activities whose aim is to determine quantity value Metrology Science dealing with meaning Measuring principle Scientific measuring base
Measuring method Logical sequence of generically following consecutively described activities which are used to measuring Measuring order Set of specifically described activities which are used at specified measurings up to given measuring method Measuring result Value gained by measuring attributed to measured quantity
Measuring accuracy Consensus closeness between measuring result and the real measured unit value Measuring uncertainty Parameter affiliated to measuring result which characterises values ´ scattering Meter Equipment used to measuring – individual or in linkage with additional device (equipment)
Measuring system Complete set of meters and other equipment which is assembled to specific measuring Sensor Meter or chain component that measured quantity impacts on Justification (of meter) Activity consisting in making meter functional suitably for its usage
Meter adjusting Adjustment performed only with usage of accessible devices Measuring range Set of measured values where it is assumed that meter’s error is lying in the range of specified limit values Sensitivity Ratio of output signal change of meter and corresponding input signal
Stability Meter ability to keep its metrology characteristics constant depending on time Meter accuracy Meter ability to provide output signals close to real value Standard Embodied size, meter, gauge, referential material or measuring system, which are used to defining, realizing, keeping or reproducing of unit of one or more quantity values to referential purpose usage
International standard Etalon certified by international contract to be used in international extent as base for other standards material quantity setting Primary standard Standard which is accepted as etalon the highest metrological quality and its value is accepted without any contact to other standards for the same quality
Secondary standard Etalon whose value is set by comparing with primary standard for the same quantity Working standard Etalon which is commonly used for calibration or embodied sizes, meters or referential materials´ checking
What meaning does the terminology in metrology have? Question 2: Name and describe the standard types.
26. úvodní kurz METROLOGIE: K Česká metrologická společnost: ČMS, Praha 1. Translation: JANATA, Petr. Handy slovník technický anglicko-český a česko- anglický. Plzeň: Nakladatelství Fraus, ISBN Lingea LEXIKON 5, Technický slovník anglicko-český a česko- anglický