Respect + Responsibility = RESULTS! Students must… respect themselves, their peers, and the teacher. keep their hands, feet, objects, and comments to themselves. be responsible for their own actions. be prepared for class everyday. be responsible to make up any work, tests, or quizzes missed due to an absence. be prompt to class. ask to use the bathroom before or at the very end of class (emergencies are always allowed).
NOT.. Disrupt Talk when I talk Chew gum, eat, drink. Use cellphones or any other electronic device. Use “I don’t know”
Objective and Goal Students will read, write, listen, and speak proficiently at the appropriate level. The goal is to achieve “Intermediate Low” on the ACTFL speaking standards. ACTFL = American Council of Teaching a Foreign Language
Intermediate Low participate in simple, direct conversations. ask and answer questions. handle basic, uncomplicated communication needed in daily life (survival language). create with the language. use discrete sentences, strings of sentences; can use sentence connectors.
After School Mondays Please inform me if you would like to come any other day so that arrangements can be made.
Materials The following materials are mandated for class daily: a three ring binder. composition notebook/ notebook paper for the binder. writing utensil (black or blue ink pen for tests/quiz days). Ven Conmigo Spanish book. required house A & B materials.
Grading Homework 10% Participation 25% class. Quizzes 35% Test/Projects 30% PowerSchool Grades will be updated regularly. Please be aware of technical difficulties, scheduling, time off. May not be immediate. A zero and an “M” denotation means an assignment is missing due to absence. May make-up for full credit. A zero means that the assignment was not completed by the due date. May only make-up for half credit.
Academic Honesty NEVER USE AN ONLINE TRANSLATOR. K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Señor/Señorita. Stick to what you know and the book. You may reference to a Spanish to English Dictionary.
Homework Homework is given on a regular basis. PowerSchool will drop the lowest homework grade. If a student does not do their homework then they will be given a “homework excuse note.” Students will write why they did not complete the assignment in their own words. Notes will be given to parents/guardians during conferences or meetings. Students may pass in their work to the appropriate “IN” folder labeled “LATE” the next day for half-credit.
Entering Class Line up along the lockers to the right of the classroom door. Go to assigned seat. Have all Spanish class materials on the desk. All other materials may go on the shelves or counter space. Read and Copy Homework into agenda. Read, Obtain, and begin/complete “Trabajo Diario”
El Trabajo Diario Obtenga un marcador y un papel del “Trabajo Diario” “Fold Hot Dog Style” Escribe tu nombre con tu apellido. Ex. Juan Martes
Dismissal from class I will dismiss you, not the bell. DO NOT PACK UP OR LINE UP AT THE DOOR PRIOR TO DISMISSAL. Students are expected to write down the homework that is posted. I will not tell you everyday. If it’s on the board; I expect it done. Exit out the back door. NO running!!! You will make your class/bus on time.
20 minutes If you need to come during 20 minutes grab a stick off my desk. Inform me what you are coming to do. It is NOT for hanging out with friends, academics ONLY! Materials for the 20 minutes should be obtained PRIOR to period 5. Period 1 B students ONLY may take a right at the top of the stairs from lunch to drop off their lunch bags.
Fire Drill Procedure Stand up quietly, push in your chairs, and line up along the sink/counter. We will proceed into the hallway and walk along the right hand wall. There is NO TALKING or RUNNING! Continue down the corner stairwell by the Health room (at the end of the hall). As you exit the building, cross the parking lot and form a line on the grass along with the other class. There will still be no talking because teachers will be taking attendance.
Let’s review the basics…
Entering Class Go to your assigned seat with required materials You may place other materials on nearby shelves or counters. Read and Copy down the Homework posted. Read, obtain, complete and required “Trabajo Diario.”
Be Respectful
Be Prepared
Absent? Be Responsible What do I do? View wikispace. ask a student. obtain appropriate papers from the filing bin. Come during 20 minutes (grab a stick). Make-up work ASAP.
Website Tonight with your parent/guardian access: Complete Tab: Parent/Guardian Contact Info.