National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Assessing health in mobility measures Erna van Balen National Institute for Public Health and.


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Presentation transcript:

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Assessing health in mobility measures Erna van Balen National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) ECOMM, May 2009

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Health in MM is too complicated Health effects are not based on evidence MM is mainly aimed at reducing traffic flows

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Health and mobility

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Transport-related health effects: some key figures EU 127,000 deaths and 2.4 million injuries/year Air pollution from road transport: 8.6 months shorter life-expectancy Physical inactivity : 600,000 deaths/year More than 30% of the EU15 population exposed to noise levels > 55 dB(A)

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment General framework for health impact assessment (HIA)

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Example: Traffic-related burden of disease: before and after reduction of speed limit (10 hotspots motorways) Source: Kempen et al, 2008

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Methods Selection of cases from ELTIS with impact on health Screening for availability of before-after measurements 3 assessors to reach agreement Direct health impacts and indirect health impacts Assessment of effects and assigning scores Assessment of other implementation issues

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Some examples (1) Travel plan for Addenbrookes hospital campus: promotion of car sharing, improving cycling infrastructure, staff-discounted bus tickets staff car use from 74% to 38%, bus travel from 4% to 25%, cycling from 17% to 26%

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Some examples (2) I WALK Club: competition for children to walk to school instead of being driven walking to school from 50% to 68%

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Some examples (3) Cycle Plan San Sebastian: better facilities for cyclists (parking spaces, bicycle paths), campaigns and regulation bicycle use tripled within 6 years

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Key messages Health in MM is not complicated, but a positive side-effect of mobility interventions Other effects have an impact on health MM can be aimed at achieving health benefits

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment And further… See for inspiring examples, evidence briefings and info on what works. In development: please let us know your comments! Join the international Health Impact Assessment conference October 2009 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Theme: on the move This work was conducted in the framework of THE PEP (Transport, Health and Environment: Pan-European Program) coordinated by WHO/ Thanks to financial support from the Dutch ministries of transport, environment & spatial planning and public health Thank you for your attention!

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Options for policy: where can health benefit be achieved? InterventionRoad traffic accidents Air pollutionNoisePhysical inactivity CO 2 Emission reduction: particle filters Emission reduction: tyres Technology: energy- efficient Cleaner fuels Speed limit reduction +/- Effective public transport +/- Infrastructure Promoting walking/cycling