Riddle I have a face, three arms and no legs. Who am I?
A night watchman was on duty one night and he had a dream that someone was in the owners office. He woke up and went to check in the office and someone was stealing a million dollars from his vault. He caught the thief and turned him into the police, then when the owner found out he thanked the guard and fired him. Why?
A large collection of stars is called a galaxy. This is a photo graph made by the Hubble telescope of deep space. What was once thought to be individual stars turned out to be huge collections of stars.
Astronomers estimate that there are about 200 billion galaxies in the known universe. The galaxy that our sun is in is called the Milky Way Galaxy.
This is an artists conceptio n of what astronom ers believe the Milky Way Galaxy looks like.
Some basic Milky Way facts: 1. The Milky Way is a barred- spiral galaxy. 2. The main disk is approx. 100,000 light years in diameter and 1000 light years thick. 3. The Sun orbits the galactic center every 250 million years.
4. The Sun is about 26,000 light years out from the galactic center. 5. Each star in the galaxy is in its own, individual orbit. The spiral arms are only temporary areas where stars have piled up. Milky Way GalaxyMilky Way Galaxy hyperlink
Different types of galaxies I. Spiral Galaxies II. Elliptical Galaxies III. Irregular Galaxies
I. Spiral Galaxies
II. Elliptical Galaxies
III. Irregular Galaxies
Two prevailing theories on how the universe was created: Big Bang Theory Creationism
Creation of the universe