Carsharing in France : a strong potential of development Robert Clavel Muriel Mariotto ECOMM Ministère de l'Écologie, de l'Énergie, du Développement durable et de l'Aménagement du territoire
2 ECOMM 2009Carsharing in France : a strong potential of development 2 A set of new services Between private cars and regular public transport : Carsharing Carpooling Demand responsive transport Bike-sharing
3 ECOMM 2009Carsharing in France : a strong potential of development 3 Carsharing Definition : Common use of a fleet of vehicles Members Direct access Tariffing based on use (short time) : kilometres and/or time Target : « small-drivers » < à km/year Complementarity in terms of timetables and spatially with public transport, or transport of heavy things
4 ECOMM 2009Carsharing in France : a strong potential of development 4 Reglementation The « Grenelle de l'Environnement » : Supression of juridical barriers of the development of carsharing and carpooling Carsharing : Definition National label Surface parking
5 ECOMM 2009Carsharing in France : a strong potential of development 5 Advantage For the user : A vehicle available 24h/24, 7 days/7 Practical service : maintenance, parking, insurance included ; a vehicle adapted to the need of the moment Financial advantage : ex : for ou km/year, budget divided by 2 compared with private car For the local authority : Rational use of car : fewer vehicles*km, greenhouse gas Reduction of needs for parking : displaces 4 to 10 resident's vehicles Long term evolution of the link with car : difference between possession and use => towards free-service vehicles ?
6 ECOMM 2009Carsharing in France : a strong potential of development 6 Impact of carsharing Study in Paris, 2007 (500 members) Equipment et evolution of km with car before/after carsharing
7 ECOMM 2009Carsharing in France : a strong potential of development 7 Carsharing development
8 ECOMM 2009Carsharing in France : a strong potential of development 8 Carsharing figures members in april members/vehicle Average length of use : 5h (week-end, hobbies, etc) Average distance : between 50 and 60 km In average 2 to 3 vehicles/station Members : private individuals and professionnals (firms)
9 ECOMM 2009Carsharing in France : a strong potential of development 9 Carsharing operators A large variety of operators (Lyon Parc Auto, Vinci+Avis, Transdev, Véolia, etc) Network France Carsharing Partnerships with public transport operators, renting companies : combined tariffing, communication
10 ECOMM 2009Carsharing in France : a strong potential of development 10 Example of Paris A local label Access to the service Tariffing Vehicles Complementarity with public transport and other alternatives 5 operators with the label Projet Autolib 4000 electrical vehicles 700 stations Delegation of public service In 2010
11 ECOMM 2009Carsharing in France : a strong potential of development 11 Perspectives Development of communication and marketing Extension of the target of clients (professionnals, young people, etc) Extension of geographical areas (centre-towns, train stations, social housing areas, etc) Regional strategy of development and support : combined mobility offers, average size towns Important role of local authorities (surface parking, support of communication, membership to carsharing to optimize private fleets, etc) Integration with other alternatives in Mobility Centres