ECOMM 2010 new forms of mobility New forms of Mobility Pedelecs Workshop am am Welcome
ECOMM 2010 new forms of mobility TimePresentationBy – 09.10Welcome and introduction workshopBarbara van Berkum – 09.30How to create a spark between commuters and e-bikes? Barbara van Berkum – 09.40Pedelecs for a hilly region – a first step out of a car-orientated behavioural pattern? Iris Absenger – 09.50Tourism Traffic 2.0: From E-bike to E- pilgrimage Waltraud Wagner – 10.00Questions regarding the presentations – 10.25Workshop 10.25– 10.30ConclusionBarbara van Berkum
ECOMM New Forms of Mobility - Pedelec Workshop– May 5th - VCCR How to create a spark between commuters and e-bikes? Electric experiences from the Netherlands
Introduction ECOMM New Forms of Mobility - Pedelec Workshop– May 5th - VCCR One way to Graz Car vs. E-bike 1,160 km in 10 hrs1,160 km in 46 hrs in 1 dayover 4 days 192 kg CO212 kg CO
Dutch projects VCCR ECOMM New Forms of Mobility - Pedelec Workshop– May 5th - VCCR Not everyone cycles in the Netherlands! VCCR projects: –E-bike: get convinced by trying (Municipality of Rotterdam) –E-Pool (Verkeersonderneming) –Try an E-bike (regional governmental funds) Same message: commuters leave your car at home, get on an e-bike!
Just try it ECOMM New Forms of Mobility - Pedelec Workshop– May 5th - VCCR Critics who have never tried an E-bike: Maybe when I am retired, My 70 year old parents love it, I dont need pedal assistance etc. Its an alternative for your car, not for your bicycle!
After trying ECOMM New Forms of Mobility - Pedelec Workshop– May 5th - VCCR Amazing! Where can I buy one? They are too expensive, I need my car for work Continuing offers in some projects
Facts and figures E-bike: get convinced by trying ECOMM New Forms of Mobility - Pedelec Workshop– May 5th - VCCR Preliminary results August 2009 positive (Erasmus University) New figures (april 2010): –Until today 532 commuters have tried an e-bike –43% normally commutes by car –E-bike experience rated with 8.6 (max. 10) average –97% used the E-bike in their commute –11% purchased an E-bike after the testing period of which 7% normally commuted by car
Facts and figures E-bike: get convinced by trying ECOMM New Forms of Mobility - Pedelec Workshop– May 5th - VCCR The experience with the E-bike is still fresh in memory (82%) Reasons not to purchase an E-bike: –43% too expensive –8% employer does not offer a policy that makes it financially attractive to purchase an E-bike for my commute
Conclusion ECOMM New Forms of Mobility - Pedelec Workshop– May 5th - VCCR 72% of the commuters is convinced of the e-bike being an good alternative for the car. Yet only 11% actually purchases an e-bike. Extra effort needed and more co-operation and commitment of the employers in order to stimulate commuters to change their travel behaviour.
Questions and further information Barbara van Berkum
ECOMM 2010 new forms of mobility How to change travel behaviour?
ECOMM 2010 new forms of mobility Curious: try the E-bike outside! VCCR Barbara van Berkum Komobile Wien Waltraud Wagner FGM-AMOR Iris Absenger / Karl Reiter