Booking system Available times for each car/bicycle Choose car and what time Confirm the booking The booking system. Photo from The Traffic and Public Transport Authority. The booking system for car sharing is available to all citizens of Göteborg and the service that organises the car pool and bicycle sharing systems are among the first in Sweden.
Bicycle pool The bicycle pool for business trips, including bicycle service. Photo from The Traffic and Public Transport Authority.
Private bicycle Bicycle leasing Leasing cost payed by The Traffic and Public Transport Authority, depending on frequency in biking. Service included Bicycle service Employees are offered bicycle service for free if they use their bike at least 5 months to work. One day every other week you leave the bike at the office and it will be served in the afternoon Photo from The Traffic and Public Transport Authority.
Communication Inspiration for others At least 20 municipalities and other organisations have been in contact with us and a lot of them also have visited. Former Prime minister of Sweden gets to know about the car pool and travel policy system in Photo from The Traffic and Public Transport Authority.
Mobility week Photographer: Klas Eriksson During the European mobility week, September 2008, 17,434 people responded to the Traffic and Public Transport Authoritys challenge to travel to work at least one day without their car. The reduction in driving corresponded to 16 trips around the world. This saved 134 tons CO2.
CO 2 - emission savings Car travel decreased 50% until 2006 (compared to 2000) although the number of employees increased. CO 2 -emissions decreased: – 44% (7 tons) by car pool travels, 2006 to 2008 – 35% (0.7 tons) by private car travels, 2006 to 2008 – 42% (39 tons) by air travels, 2007 to 2008
Climate report The Traffic and Public Transport Authority initiated a climate routine for reporting business trips by car and air travel. This includes for example: Cooperation with travel agency System for collection of travelling statistics System for CO 2 -calculation
Climate compensation Decision by the council in the City of Göteborg, May 2009: All city authorities and companies will report travels. CO 2 emissions are compensated by measures, for example: + Education in Ecodriving + Provide bicycle service + Implement video conference equipment + Expand the number of bicycle parkings
To reduce business trips by car and air travel with a climate cost fee for all authorities and companies within the municipality Authorities and companies within the municipality could then apply for funds from the climate account for climate measures The measures aim at making it possible for more employees to travel by public transport, walking or by bike. Climate compensation
Changed travel patterns We pursue further improvements as the work continues… Photographer: Klas Eriksson