Mobility Management Monitoring: The only way to prove the value of what youve already done, the only source of evidence to secure future funding. Dan Blanchet.


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Presentation transcript:

Mobility Management Monitoring: The only way to prove the value of what youve already done, the only source of evidence to secure future funding. Dan Blanchet Commercial Manager iBase Systems Ltd Director of Act Travelwise ECOMM Toulouse May 2011

Successful mobility plan monitoring: Why, Methods and Business case

Why monitor? How else can we know what progress can reasonably be achieved?

Why monitor? Without some evidence of past travel behaviour change we cannot estimate sensible targets for change.

We must be able to predict outcomes : reduced single occupancy car usage by 17.3% Why monitor?

Is this initiative effective? With iTRACE [monitoring system] we can now say Yes! And prove it Sally Herbert, Mobility Plan Officer, Newcastle City Council Why monitor?

Our performance monitoring information enables me to see how businesses are adopting initiatives, how different projects perform in each borough and across the city. Jane Lupson, a Policy Officer for Smarter Travel, Freight & Development at Transport for London. Why monitor?

Developments in London since percentage point modal shift from car to public transport, walking and cycling 40% increase in bus usage 90% increase in cycling - From a presentation by Elaine Seagriff, Transport for London, 14th April Why monitor?

Monitoring need not be restricted to your district, region or even country: 25,000 surveys across 27 EU member states. Why monitor? Extract from Flash EB Series #312 Future of transport Conducted by The Gallup Organisation, Hungary upon the request of Directorate General Mobility and Transport October 2010.

We must endeavour to have an informed and tactical approach to the management of behavioural change interventions Monitoring – Final Thought

Option 1 - No method – wait until just after failure is achieved then feel overwhelmed. Adopted Methods

Option 2 - Use Microsoft Office tools such as MS Word, Excel and Access Adopted Methods

Option 3 – Purpose Built software: Adopting or developing a dedicated mobility plan management system could be costly but will deliver many benefits. Adopted Methods

MM in building a Business Case Facilitates a tactical approach to the management of behavioural change.

MM in building a Business Case Analysis of a variety of previous interventions helps ensure that investments are targeted on those that achieve the greatest benefit and give confidence to stakeholders.

MM in building a Business Case Provides long term business process continuity and standardisation.

MM in building a Business Case Gives authorities a detailed and accurate picture of mobility plans at a local or regional level, and the effects that behavioural and physical initiatives have on reducing car use, and on encouraging the use of sustainable travel methods enabling authorities to undertake some coordinated strategic planning for the first time.

MM in building a Business Case Best practice can be shared, monitoring fees charged and awards created to encourage up-take and competition ; assists organisations striving towards compliance with ISO 14001, BS7750 or EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) requirements Park Inn first hotel in Heathrow to achieve Gold Accreditation with Green Tourism Scheme. Reproduced courtesy London Borough of Ealing.

MM in building a Business Case Results driven justification for mobility plan related investment, a deeper understanding of which mobility management initiatives are the most effective and where and how businesses are adopting them.

Overall Conclusions When we monitor the performance of our mobility plan initiatives, we can measure change, prove their value and build a robust business case for future investment.

Dan Blanchet Commercial Manager iBase Systems Ltd Tel (0) Tanya Hanekom Customer Support iBase Systems Ltd Tel (0) Contacts and more information Google travel plan management Visit