And Domestic Poverty Alleviation Working Together for Justice The Episcopal Church.


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Presentation transcript:

and Domestic Poverty Alleviation Working Together for Justice The Episcopal Church

1.Vision 2.Formation 3.Networking 4.Advocacy Working Together for Justice Domestic Poverty Alleviation Model

Servant Leadership share blessings for common good Our infinite value as children of God See our neighbors infinite value as well Working Together for Justice Vision

Servant Leadership Local/Contextual ConsultantCorporate

Christian Discipleship we are a people of mission Working Together for Justice Formation

Christian Discipleship Scripture ReasonTradition

Partnership in Mission Assess Coordinate Disseminate information Working Together for Justice Networking

Partnership in Mission Congregations AgenciesFunding Partners

Stewardship of Creation argue and insist on justice for the people of God and for creation Working Together for Justice Advocacy

Stewardship of Creation Time TreasureTalents