Dr. Fred Mugambi Mwirigi JKUAT
Introduction An ideology is a pattern of ideas which simultaneously provides for its adherents. It can also be defined as a set of ideas reflecting beliefs and values influencing behavior/ culture of nations and political systems. 2
Introduction A clear ideology establishes direction, facilitates decision-making, motivates employees and elevates performance at every level of the organization. The creation of, and adherence to, a core ideology is the primary starting point for visionary organizations. Core values + Purpose = Core Ideology 3
Core Ideologies A fundamental element of a visionary company A visionary company's core ideology is a set of basic precepts that plants a fixed stake in the ground: This is who we are; this is what we stand for; this is what we're all about. A core ideology is a shared understanding of an organization's “reason for being.” 4
Contd. A core ideology also has to do with the “character” of your organization. What are the most important tenets, guiding principles or values by which you want people to conduct themselves? The core ideology is like a founding document, your “constitution” that teaches people what you believe and how you want to behave. It’s from your ideology that you build your culture. A good ideology, well-executed, should shape attitudes, habits and behaviors of everyone within your company. 5
Benefits of Ideologies 1. They create a common orientation for everyone 2. They give people a bigger reason for doing what they do 3. They create formidable teams 4. They aid self-regulation among employees 5. They set the organization aside from other firms 6
Process of Creating and Using Ideologies 1. Define your reasons for existence and your long term goals 2. Understand the role of a clearly defined core ideology to your organization’s success 3. Explore the contribution you want to make (more than making a profit) 4. Analyze the habits, attitudes and beliefs that drive your current culture 5. Reach a consensus on a set of guiding principles or values that will pervade everything you do 6. Explore how to bring these principles to life 7. Encapsulate your ideology in language for purposes of passionate communication 7
The role of mindsets in making ideologies actionable The mindsets of the manager and the managed play a critical role in implementing ideologies. The best ideologies are those that are customer- centric in nature. Building a truly customer-centric organization has to do with changing the mindset, attitudes and habits of all members of the organization. Those who try to implement technology without understanding the importance of the social/cultural component do so at the peril of the initiative. 8
The process of changing mindsets It begins with educating members of your organization in a customer-centered point of view. Who are your customers? What do they need or expect? Why have they come to your business? What are the unique benefits you offer that will make their lives better? How is what you offer different from what your competitors can offer? How does each person contribute, personally, to that mission? Having done this then you can passionately communicate an ideology that summarizes all that. 9
Cult-Like Cultures Visionary companies have been known to be cult- like, without actually being cults. The key characteristics that create this cult-like culture include: 1. A fervently held ideology; i.e., the company's core beliefs and sense of purpose 2. Indoctrination into a core ideology through the company's history 3. Tightness of fit—people tend either to fit well with the company and its ideology or not to fit at all ("buy in or get out") 4. Elitism—a sense of belonging to something special and superior- setting the firm apart 10
Challenges When Developing and Using Ideologies 1. They have an emotional side that is difficult to tame 2. They require a strong leader to sell. These leaders are rare in organizations 3. Sometimes they are difficult to quantify 4. It takes time to sell and get ideologies well owned 5. Ideologies must be backed with and aligned to action plans. This is not easy to achieve 11
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