October 8, 2009
Purpose of Transition Plan Transition Activities Transition Findings Next Steps for Bedford County Public Schools
Learn about the school system and community in short time period Make informed decisions Understand values, hopes, and expectations Foundation for developing common vision
April-September 2009 School visits Individual and group meetings Written document reviews Data analysis
120+ meetings School/Division Staff Parents Students Elected Officials County/City Staff Community/Service Organizations Churches/Faith Community Businesses Higher Education
Theme #1: High Expectations Theme #2: Equity Theme #3: Policy, Practice, and Process Theme #4: Leadership Theme #5: Challenges Theme #6: Opportunities
College and 21 st Century workforce readiness Academic rigor and program opportunities Exemplary teachers and support staff BCPS a leader in the education field
Collection of communities with diverse ties Maintain quality and high expectations in all communities 0% - 100% mindset
Culture dominated by practice Disconnects between policy and practice Alignment of long-range plans with actions
Strong leaders Organizational structure that supports leadership at all levels
Economy and funding our schools 21 st Century skill development Meeting needs/providing opportunities for all students Bedford City-Town Reversion Enrollment trends
Local economic development and potential business/community partnerships Online/distance learning and its role in our future instructional plans Understanding how we do business and exploring ways to improve efficiency
Monitor New Organizational Plan Develop/Implement Strategic Plan School Board Self-Review Policy Review Process
Vision – Where do we want to be? Mission – Why do we exist? Core Values – What do we believe? Goals – What do we need to achieve? Objectives – Specific achievement targets Strategies – What will we do? Management Plan – Making sure we do it Cost Matrix – What will it cost or save? Measures of Success – Is it working?
Instructional/Student Learning Plan Comprehensive School Plans Long Range Facility Plan Annual Staffing Plan
Monitor New Organizational Plan* Long Range Facility Plan* Annual Staffing Plan* School Board Self-Review? *Already in progress
Develop/Implement Strategic Plan including: Elements (Vision, Mission, etc.) Instructional/Student Learning Plan Integrate Revised: ▪ Long Range Facility Plan ▪ Annual Staffing Plan Policy Review Process
Revise Strategic Plan and Integrate Comprehensive School Plans Revised: ▪ Instructional/Student Learning Plan ▪ Long Range Facility Plan ▪ Annual Staffing Plan Revise Policies
October 8, 2009