I NSTITUTE OF N EW K HMER Human Resources Managements Lectured by: NOUV Brosh Mobile Phone: & 1 HRM By: NOUV Brosh
PART II: Acquiring Human Resources HRM By: NOUV Brosh2
Chapter 5: Human Resource Planning and Alignment HRM By: NOUV Brosh3
HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING Right number of people with right skills at right place at right time to implement organizational strategies in order to achieve organizational objectives In light of the organization’s objectives, corporate and business level strategies, HRP is the process of analyzing an organization’s human resource needs and developing plans, policies, and systems to satisfy those needs HRM By: NOUV Brosh4
HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING Setting human resource objectives and deciding how to meet them Ensuring HR resource supply meets human resource demands HRM By: NOUV Brosh5
HRP Process Interfacing with strategic planning and scanning the environment Taking an inventory of the company’s current human resources Forecasting demand for human resources Forecasting the supply of HR from within the organization and in the external labor market HRM By: NOUV Brosh6
HRP Process (Cont.) Comparing forecasts of demand and supply Planning the actions needed to deal with anticipated shortage or overages Feeding back such information into the strategic planning process. HRM By: NOUV Brosh7
Clarify performance expectations and future management methods: values, guiding principles business mission objectives and priorities resource allocations Identify people- related business issues Define HR strategies, objectives, and action plans Implement HR processes, policies and practices Implement processes toachieve desired results: business goals company strengths/weaknesses external opportunities/threats source of competitive advantage Establish the context: business goals company strengths/weaknesses external opportunities/threats source of competitive advantage Strategic Analysis Strategy FormulationImplementation Human Resource Planning Integrating HRP and Strategic Planning HRM By: NOUV Brosh8
Environmental Scanning Technological Changes Political/ Legislative Issues Social Concerns Economic Factors Demographic Trends HRM By: NOUV Brosh9
Human Resources Planning Model Dr. Kenneth Kee/BBU/HRM/T- 5/UD: Employment Forecasting Supply Analysis Balance Supply and Demand Leads to Resulting in CONSIDERATIONS Product/Service Economics Technology Financial Resources Absenteeism/ Turnover Growth Management Philosophy TECHNIQUES Trend Analysis Managerial Estimate Delphi Technique INTERNAL Staffing Tables Markov Analysis Skills Inventories Management Inventories Replacement Charts Succession Planning EXTERNAL Demographic Changes Education of Workforce Labor Mobility Governmental Policies Unemployment Rate RECRUITMENT Full-Time Part-Time Recalls REDUCTIONS Terminations Layoffs Demotions Retirement HRM By: NOUV Brosh10
Employment Forecasting Trend Analysis - a quantitative approach to forecasting based on an organization index such as sales. Management Forecasts - the opinions (judgements) of supervisors, departmental managers, experts, or others knowledgeable about the organization’s future employment needs. Delphi Technique - a method of improving group decisions using the opinion of experts, managers, or supervisors, which are solicited by mail without having a face-to-face interaction. The expert consensus of opinions is then used to make a decision on employment requirements. HRM By: NOUV Brosh11
Supply Forecasting Analysis Markov Analysis - method for tracking the pattern of of employee movements through various jobs. Skills Inventories - files of personnel education, experience, interests, skills, etc., that allow managers to quickly match job openings with employee background. Replacement Charts - listings of current jobholders & persons who are potential replacements if an opening occurs. Staffing Tables - graphic representations of all organizational jobs, along with the numbers of employees occupying those jobs & future employment requirements (monthly or yearly) Succession Planning - process of identifying, developing, & tracking key individuals for executive positions. Tools of Supply Analysis HRM By: NOUV Brosh12
ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES OF HRP: ADVANTAGES: 1.HR will be better used, employee & organizational objectives can be more closely matched, & substantial movements can be achieved in both productivity & profitability. 2.Employees can be recruited at the best time, for the right cost & in line with future organizational requirements. 3.Idle labor, & under-supply of labor can be avoided, & any labor surpluses can be used for the development of new markets or new products. 4.Future skills requirements can be met by timely training & development of employees. 5.Redundancies can be anticipated & managed effectively with minimum disruption to employees, work processes & organizational objectives. DISADVANTAGES: 1.HRP is time consuming or difficult. 2.Costly if specialists or consultants are hired from outside. 3.The complexity of internal & external factors may require more time to develop plans. 4.HRP techniques can be complicated, & strategies may require long lead-times during which economic or political conditions may change. 5.Cultures & structures may be difficult to modify or altered. 6.Adequate HR databases may not be in place or industrial conditions may be inappropriate for the proposed strategies. 7.Top management may not be committed to HRP. 8.No effective linkages between HRP & other business processes. HRM By: NOUV Brosh13
Reading case Read a case 5-1 page 148 Human resource planning and virtual human resource management HRM By: NOUV Brosh14