Welcome to the 2015 NW PBIS Network’s Coaches Institute WA Coaching for Change Coaching with Fidelity pbisnetwork.org
What is the NorthWest PBIS Network? Mission To establish and sustain safe, positive, and inclusive learning environments for all. The NorthWest PBIS Network is a non-profit organization committed to providing professional development services for implementing the PBIS framework in educational settings P-12.
Thank You! NWPBIS Board of Directors & Staff WA State Advisory Team & OSPI Directors & State Leaders from WA, ID, AK, CA, & OR Event Manager – Brooke Valentine Presenters & Volunteers All of You! Implementers, coaches, & leaders!
Save the Dates! NW PBIS Implementers Conference Nov. 9 th & 10th – Seattle, WA SeaTac Hilton
This Coaches Event … -140 Participants - 30 Districts - 41 Schools & Programs - Early Learning to High School - Washington, Oregon, Idaho
National Support from the US Dept. of Education 21,000 Schools implementing 7 States with over 1000 schools Schools must be both safe and supportive for effective teaching and learning to take place. Three key principles can guide efforts to create such productive learning environments. First, work in a deliberate fashion to develop positive and respectful school climates and prevent student misbehavior before it occurs. Ensure that clear, appropriate, and consistent expectations and consequences are in place to prevent and address misbehavior. And finally use data and analysis to continuously improve and ensure fairness and equity for all students. -U.S. Department of Education Executive Summary Guiding Principles, 2014
Washington State Institute of Public Policy (WSSIP)
School Climate #2 Issue on Washington State PTA Platform A positive school climate can be accomplished through use of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) skills, the implementation of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and quality family and community engagement.
Why We Can’t Wait Suspensions and Expulsions are at an all time high – practically doubled since 1970’s. 3.3 million students are expelled each year. Less than 3% of suspensions in were for severe acts that required a suspension. Race is a predictive factor in who will receive a discretionary suspension.
WA State Scaling Up of PBIS Celebrations! 93 Districts in Washington Have At Least One School Implementing PBIS 600 plus schools have been to PBIS Training Multiple Districts Working Towards Full District Implementation of PBIS
Washington Schools Entering Data into PBIS Apps
Enter Date into PBISapps.org
Fidelity of Implementation Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ)
Office Referrals Per 100 Per Day
Washington Reductions in Suspension Days Per 100 Students - Middle
Washington Reductions in Suspension Days Per 100 Students
Washington Reductions in Suspension Days Per 100 Students – High School
What Works? YOU ARE HERE
“Multi-Tiered Systems of Support”…. Whole-school, data-driven, prevention-based framework for improving learning outcomes for all students through layered continuum of evidence-based practices & systems
Evidence-Based Practices More than simply relying on research to guide decisions about interventions Has been defined as having three components Empirically Supported Treatments Professional Judgment Client Values
Best available evidence (Slocum, 2013) Quality High Low High Better evidence Relevance Empirically Supported Treatments
Training Alone is Insufficient
Coaching is key! “Coaching or facilitation capacity refers to a system’s ability to organize personnel and resources for prompting and encouraging local school training and implementation efforts.” Sugai & Horner (2004) The use of effective interventions without implementation strategies is like serum without a syringe; the cure is available but the delivery system is not.” Fixsen, Blasé, Duda, Naoom, & VanDyke,2010
Defining Coaching for Competence & Impact 1. Ensure Intervention (EBP) Fidelity Actions taken to help teachers and school staff build upon existing skill sets to implement EBP 2. Ensure Implementation (process) Fidelity Involves self-assessing the coaching process & Impact Are we doing what we said we would do? This includes data to measure impact – attendance, grades, graduation rates, ODRs, suspensions, etc Is it benefitting students? Data is Key! 3. Develop Organizational Systems to Promote Professional Judgment and Sustainability – The Blueprint – (Training, Coaching, Evaluation)
Our Purpose for Coaching Institutes Establish a service delivery plan that is linked to sharing knowledge and developing skills and abilities required for implementers to be successful Helps “negotiate” a way of work in a standardized and efficient way Informs changes needed to training, selection, and organizational supports Improves the likelihood of achieving fidelity
Data Drives Decision Making
EB Practices Support Student Behavior
Systems Support Adults and Organizational Structure
Let’s keep work together to increase coaching, competence, & impact
Schedule for the Day 8:30-8:50 Welcome & Opening 9:00-12:00 Morning Workshops 12:00-12:40 Lunch 12:50-3:30 Afternoon Sessions 3:30 Have a great weekend! Go Hawks! Presenters please provide information about online evaluations!
Logistics Clock Hours Provided by Spokane School District, Sign in Internet Access – PBIS15 Handouts Front Page or Events Washington Coaches Institute
Please consider submitting a poster or presentation for the Eugene and Seattle Conferences. Show us your data & celebrate your success! 13 th Annual Oregon NWPBIS Conference March 3 rd & 4 th Eugene, Oregon Call for Posters & Registration Open WA 2015 PBIS Implementers Conference Nov 9 th &10 th 2015 – SeaTac, WA Call for presentations & posters Registration open soon Keynote – Dr. Rob Horner
National Technical Assistance Center
“Coaching is the universal language of change and learning” - CNN