World Book Day Healthy Schools Children in Need Saint David’s Day
Cardiff Castle TASC Week
Special Visitors The Square Mile Celebration Assembly
Autumn Thurs. 2nd September- Friday 22rd October Monday 1st November- Friday 17 th December Summer Tuesday 3 rd May- Friday 27 th May Monday 6 th June- Friday 22 nd July Spring Tuesday 4 th January- Friday 18 th February Monday 28th February- Friday 15 th April September 2010 – July 2011
Fruit Foundation Phase Unit 50p to be paid weekly School phone number School uniform; grey trousers/skirt white/blue polo shirt burgandy sweater/cardigan Children are only allowed to bring plain water to school. No sugary or fuzzy drinks please ! Dinners cost £1.70 per day. Children may bring a packed lunch if they prefer.
P.E kit; plain shorts, t-shirt and trainers for the outdoors For outdoor learning in all weathers children are asked to bring wellies.. The first reading bag is free but they may be purchased for £1.50 from Reception. During Summer months, please ensure that your child has a sun hat in school.
Jewellery is not allowed in school. It can be dangerous during many activities and is not suitable for the school day. Only watches and stud earrings are allowed and these must be removed for P.E. Dinner money is collected by the school clerk every Monday morning at reception. All dinners must be paid for in advance. If you think your child may be entitled to free school meals please apply for them, as this will benefit our school with regards to funding. Free meals forms are available from reception. The parent or guardian of any child who becomes ill at school may be called upon to take the child home. Please ensure that we have your home telephone number and two other numbers where someone may be contacted in an emergency. No child may be brought to or collected from school by another child. For safety reasons an adult must be responsible at all times. Children must be collected from school on time. It can be very distressing for children when parents are late. All pupils are required to attend school regularly. In the event of your child’s absence from school, it is important that you inform the school of the reason on that day, either by telephone or letter. As far as possible, avoid arranging medical and dental appointments during school hours. Before you arrange to take your child on holiday during term time, please contact the office to fill out a holiday application form. Further Information