Presentation to Post-Primary Review Working Group – 19 June 2003 Features of the Current Arrangements
The Selective System System of grammar and secondary schools 71 grammar schools (63,000 or 40% of pupils) 164 secondary schools (93,000 or 60% of pupils) Differences within the selective system Regional variations in access to places
The Selective System in Practice 66% of P7 pupils sat the 2002/03 tests Admission to grammar schools: 35.3% (2002/03) Over/under-subscription Negligible movement between school types until age 16
How does the NI system perform compared to other countries?
UK Comparisons: 2+ ‘A’ levels A-E
UK Comparisons: 5+ GCSEs A*-C
UK Comparisons: 5+ GCSE A*-G
UK Comparisons: No GCSEs
Average GCSE Point Scores MaleFemaleAll Pupils Northern Ireland England
UK Comparisons: Average GCSE Point Scores
International Comparisons: PISA and International Adult Literacy Survey Significantly better than OECD average. Around 10 th out of 32 in Reading, Maths and Science. Performed similar to England (and Scotland). One of the widest ranges of achievement. 24% of NI workforce at lowest literacy level.
How Does the NI System perform for different groups?
% Grade A in Transfer Test by Free School Meal Band 2001/02
Average GCSE Point Score by Free School Meal Band (2001/02) for Secondary Schools
% of Pupils entitled to Free School Meals Catholic Managed Other Managed Overall Grammar Secondary
5+ GCSEs A*-C for FSM and Non-FSM School Leavers 5+ GCSEs A*-C for FSM and Non-FSM School Leavers
5+ GCSEs A*-G by FSM and Non-FSM School Leavers 5+ GCSEs A*-G by FSM and Non-FSM School Leavers
No GCSEs by FSM and Non-FSM School Leavers
How does performance in Grammar and Secondary schools compare?
GCSE Point Scores for All Pupils
Grammar and Secondary Comparisons % achievingSecondaryGrammar 5 or more GCSEs A*-C or more GCSEs A*-G Average GCSE Point Score 2857
GCSE Point Scores for Secondary and Grammar Pupils
Comparison of top achieving secondary school pupils with grammar pupils Top 25% of Secondary All Grammar School Leavers School Leavers % % 5+ GCSE’s A*-C GCSE’s A*-G
Variation in School Performance 2001/02 Grammar Schools 3+ A Levels A-C 7+ GCSEs A*-C Top 10% 78% 99% Bottom 10% 46% 74% Secondary Schools 5+GCSEs A*-C 5+GCSEs A*-G Top 10% 63% 98% Bottom 10% 12% 53%
How Does the NI system perform at post-16?
Post-16 Participation Rates SchoolsFEOverall Northern Ireland England* Provisional figures for England Sixth Form Colleges included in FE figure for England
Post-16 Provision in Secondary Schools Schools% of cohort % of Yr12 secondary pupils No% No 6 th Form Limited provision (<80 pupils) Of which Repeaters only No or limited provision
Access To Higher Education From social classes III, IV,V UK27% Scotland27% NI31% Routes to Higher Education 55% from grammar schools 45% from secondary schools, FE Colleges and other sources Majority of working class entrants to HE come through non-grammar routes
Demography What impact will demography have on post-primary education?
Demography Population projections Impact on post-primary population Impact on secondary schools Impact on grammar schools
Population Projections
population 212,541195,086172,868158,058 % decrease Post-Primary Age Population to decline by a quarter by 2040
How will this affect post-primary schools?
School Population Projections
Secondary:Grammar Ratios % Secondary % Grammar By 2020 grammar and secondary ration will be 50:50
Impact on Secondary Schools By reduction of 12,000 pupils in secondary schools which equates to 21 secondary schools (based on average size of 560) By ,000 pupils (55 schools)
Surplus Places 13,000 surplus places in post-primary schools (8%) Almost 70% (113) secondary schools have surplus places Nearly half (76) have 10% or more surplus places
Impact on Secondary Schools Viability of some schools – closures, amalgamations Ability mix within schools Impact will be greater in particular areas
Impact on Grammar Schools Ability mix within schools 8% of admissions to grammar schools are Cs or Ds at present 21 grammar schools with 10% admissions with Cs and Ds in Transfer Test 10 schools with 20% or more Cs and Ds admitted
Demography: Key Points Population to fall by a quarter by 2040 Full impact on secondary sector Implications for rationalisation Implications for ability mix in secondary and grammar schools
Forces For Change Dissatisfaction with Transfer Test Weaknesses in post-16 provision Curricular change Falling post-primary demography Changing social profile of intakes to HE
Forces for Change (Cont) Equality/human rights/inclusion agenda Social cohesion Globalisation/economic development Local Assembly
Discussion What issues have been raised by this presentation?