BEAMS Plain and R.C.C are mainly used in construction of all types of building BEAMS: Beams is a horizontal member of structure , it bear load as it support roofs and slab and it transfer the whole weight to the column
BEAMS R.C.C. BEAM: R.C.C. beam is subjected to bending moments and shear . The strength of the R.C.C. beams is depend on the composite action of concrete and steel . MAIN REINFORCEMENT BARS: It used in high tenstion zone so that concrete take the compressive stresses and steel take all the tensile stresses
TYPES OF BEAMS: DEPEND ON SUPPORT Simply supported beam Fixed beam Cantilever beam Continuous beam Overhanging beam
DEPEND ON SUPPORT: SIMPLY SUPPORTED BEAM: Two ends of the beam are kept free . This type of beam is not used in practice due to the chance of rotation of beam as there is no support. FIXED BEAM: the beams are support at both the end by fixing it in to walls it avoid bending
DEPEND ON SUPPORT: CATILEVER BEAM: The one end is fixed to the wall and other end is set free so top side have tension and compression zone in bottom side It is used in slab support Eg: balcony portico CONTINUOUS BEAM: Two or more support is given . This beam economical for any span lengths
DEPEND ON SUPPORT: OVERHANGING BEAM: It one end is extends beyond the wall . Unsupported end case a overhanging
DEPENDS ON REINFORCEMENT SINGLY REINFORCED BEAM: Steel bars are supported only at one end DOUBLY REINFORCED BEAM: Steel bars are supported at both the side ,top and bottom
COLUMNS It is vertical structure It transfer load from beams and roofs to foundation Bricks , Timber , R.C.C are used as column EFFECTIVE LENGTH: It depend upon the condition of end support of the column.
TYPES OF COLUMN Short column: LONG COLUMN OR SLENDER: The ratio of the effective length to the lateral dimension of the column is >12. Short column: The ratio of the effective length to the least dimension is <= 12 INTERMEDIATE COLUMN: Column with length that between the short and long column
R.C.C . COLUMN The effective length of compression member is equal to or less than thrice the lateral dimension the member is made of plain concrete . For more than thrice the least lateral dimension the member should be of R.C.C
R.C.C . COLUMN LOAD CARRYING CAPACITY OF R.C.C. COLUMN: The percentage of steel used is large in a column the concrete fails first. When the percent of steel is high then column will be more strong SPIRALLY REINFORCED COLUMN: It is used for circular column PITCH: It should not have more than1/6 of diameter of column
PRECAUTIONS TO BE OBSERVED IN COLUMN CONSTRUCTION Process of construction Vertical height of concrete Columns for more than one Storey Load on the column of the top storey USE OF R . C .C COLUMN: Multi-storey buildings Heavily loaded structures
STEEL COLUMN or STANCHIONS Used in industrial structure to support the beams and trusses It support the girder to which the beams are loaded STANDARD STRUCTURAL STEEL SECTIONS: Steel made in the factory is called Standard structure I-section Tee-section Z-section etc…. that used for light loads
STEEL COLUMN or STANCHIONS The shape of cross section of steel and sectional area should be design carefully to avoid buckling It should have high value of moment of inertia
BUILT-UP COLUMN SECTION When two or three steel section of rolled sheets and cover plates are connected to form a column then it is known as Built-up section Cover plates should properly welded with main section
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