Webinar 3: Baseline OR Surgical Safety Culture Survey
Last Week’s Call Building an implementation team. The background of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist. Website Overview.
How Did the Homework Go?
Homework to Date Build an implementation team. Schedule a time and venue for a meeting to take place after January 26th.
Poll 1: Tell Us About Your Checklist Implementation Team We haven’t had a chance to do anything yet. We are just starting to build an implementation team and we are identifying people to be a part of it. We have identified some core members of the team, but we are looking for physician champions. We have an implementation team assembled that consists of at least one administrator/quality improvement officer, anesthesiologist/CRNA, circulating nurse, scrub tech, and surgeon
Poll 2: Were You Able to Identify a Time and a Venue to Hold a Large Meeting to Take Place Towards the End of January? Yes We are still working on finding a time and location. Our hospital does not have an established forum to hold this meeting.
Poll 3: Choose one thing that makes you have a really bad day in the OR Our team wasn’t prepared for something. I didn’t feel respected. I felt that my concerns were not heard. Our team didn’t have the necessary equipment. There were significant delays. The paperwork was not in order. I didn’t have all of the information that I needed to do my job. Our team did not work well together. There were wasted resources. The case didn’t end on time.
Meeting the Team Lizzie Edmondson Project Manager
Announcement “One of the focuses of the Joint Commission this year is active participation from all surgical team members in the room”
Today’s Topics Culture survey background and development. The benefits of using the culture survey as a baseline for your hospital. Administering the culture survey in your ORs. Eric Murdock from Palmetto Health Richland will share how they administered the culture survey. Strategies for getting physicians to complete the survey.
The Next Step in Our Journey Together Towards A Safer OR Administering a Culture Survey
Background of the Surgical Safety Checklist Culture Survey
Why Administer a Culture Survey? Understanding where you are right now will impact the way you implement. Surveys can give you valuable information to measure your progress with putting the checklist into place. You may be surprised by what you find when see the survey results.
Poll 4: Your Experience with Culture Surveys Do you administer culture surveys in your hospital? Have you looked at the culture specifically in the OR? Have you been able to get physicians to take the culture survey?
What is the Soil Like?
“Teamwork in the Eye of the Beholder” Makary MA et al. Operating room teamwork among physicians and nurses: teamwork in the eye of the beholder. J Am Coll Surg 2006 May; 202 (5):
Another Perspective Makary MA et al. Operating room teamwork among physicians and nurses: teamwork in the eye of the beholder. J Am Coll Surg 2006 May; 202 (5):
Why are we asking you to use a different survey in the OR?
Sample Questions
Culture Survey Analysis Option 1 Send us your completed surveys and we will analyze them. You will receive a benchmarked report comparing your hospital to other SC Hospitals. If you send us your hospital’s data it will be included in an analysis to monitor the impact of the checklist across the state of SC. Your hospital’s individual results and name will never be released to the public.
Culture Survey Analysis Option 2 Analyze Your Own Data Administer the Culture Survey
How to Administer the Survey Two Approaches Paper Surveys for All Physicians and OR Staff Paper Surveys for Physicians and OR Staff Complete the Survey via
Physicians Complete the Survey on Paper OR Staff Complete the Survey via 1.Complete the spreadsheet of OR Personnel and send it to us. You will need to include the addresses for all OR Staff (do not include the addresses for physicians).
OR Personnel Spreadsheet
Physicians Complete the Survey on Paper OR Staff Complete the Survey via 1.Complete the spreadsheet of OR Personnel and send it to us. You will need to include the addresses for all OR Staff (do not include physician addresses). 2.Modify the cover letter for your hospital and include the signature block of who it should come from within your organization. This cover letter will be used for both the paper surveys and the s. We will send this to you in an when we know how you will be administering the survey. 3.Send us your mailing address and we will send you a FedEx Envelope that will include all of the surveys for your hospital and a pre-paid return envelope. 4.We will send up to three s to OR Staff over a period of 3-4 weeks asking them to complete the survey.
Paper Surveys For Everyone 1.Complete the spreadsheet of OR Personnel and send it to us (do not include addresses). 2.Modify the cover letter for your hospital and include the signature block of who it should come from within your organization. 3.Send us your mailing address and we will send you a FedEx Envelope that will include all of the surveys for your hospital and a pre-paid return envelope.
Eric Murdock, Palmetto Health Richland
Getting the Best Response Rate Pass the surveys out at meetings and ask people to complete it. Put the surveys in mailboxes. Advertize on bulletin boards and where people gather.
Strategies for Getting Physicians to Complete the Survey Stand outside of the OR with the survey and a pen/pencil. Sit in the MD Lounge with food and ask them to complete the survey.
Language You Can Use When You Talk to People “I/We are asking for your help? I would like to give you a survey to fill out that has been specifically designed for our ORs. We are trying to find out what the people that work here think about safety and other issues in our ORs.”
Homework Send us an at: letting us know how you would like to administer the survey at your hospital. Please also include your mailing address in this . Download the OR Personnel Spreadsheet from our website and begin completing the information with the names, roles, and addresses if relevant. Once this is complete please send it to us.
? ? Questions
Next Week’s Webinar and Office Hours are Cancelled Happy Thanksgiving
Office Hours: This Friday 12:00-1:00
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