VIVA ILL Forum 2008 SOLINET/OCLC/WCRS Update Russell Palmer, SOLINET
SOLINET/PALINET Merger Both networks have successful concluded due diligence (legal and financial review), identifying the other as a good merger partner. The Boards of both networks have accepted the due diligence reports and have directed the staff and a subset of Board members to begin analysis and planning for a merged organization. This work is underway.
Merger SOLINET and PALINET have conducted a large number of Town Hall meetings around our regions to inform members and solicit feedback from members Reactions have been positive Issues have been identified that are being addressed as part of the ongoing operational and governance planning: membership structure, Board composition and governance, and member contracting processes
Merger These issues are being addressed by staff and the Joint Coordinating Board, a working group of ten people, five Board members from both PALINET and SOLINET Due to the importance of this work, we are rescheduling the member vote on a merger until these issues have been worked out. The vote will most likely be held in early Fall We continue to be excited about the potential merger with PALINET and all it can do for our members
More Info Featured item--SOLINET/PALINET Update Merger Blog, Momentum Send in questions Let us know what you are thinking
New Web Page! New look Improved searching functionality Easier to find classes, events, product information Phase II, more interactive functionality
Indiana Libraries Membership Will have the option to join SoLINE and SO6 Terms of membership revised
WorldCat Resource Sharing Changes since we last met: Labels Printing in PDF Admin link in request manager Updated “Reasons for No”/ Not Found as Cited View up to 99 requests on request manager screens GAC, GAC/UL and UL Affiliations displayed in lender requests
Reasons for No The list of Reasons for No that will appear in WorldCat Resource Sharing starting in July They are in the order in which they will appear in the drop-down list. This order corresponds to how often they are used by WorldCat Resource Sharing and ILLiad users
Reasons for No-The List 1. In Use/On Loan 2. Non Circulating 3. Not on Shelf/Missing 4. Not Owned 5. Lacking Volume/Issue 6. Branch Policy Problem 7. On Order 8. Cost Exceeds Limit 9. Technical Processing 10. Preferred Delivery Time Not Possible 11. Poor Condition 12. At Bindery 13. Volume Issue Not Yet Available 14. Not Licensed to Fill 15. Required delivery services not supported 16. Prepayment Required 17. Other
No longer reasons for no… 1. Unspecified 2. Charges 3. Locations not found 4. On reserve (now use: In use/on loan) 5. On hold (now use: In use/on loan) 6. Not found as cited (moved to system-supplied Conditional response) 7. Lacks copyright compliance (moved to system- supplied Conditional response)
Conditional Responses Not found as cited (will no longer be a Reason for No) Used when the Lender cannot find a requested item based on borrower-supplied citation information Duplicate request? (new) Used when the Lender receives two requests for the same item around the same time. The Lender can confirm that the Borrower truly wants two copies of the same item. Borrower concerns/please contact lender (new) Used when a Lender is not comfortable lending an item to a particular Borrower until they have a conversation. This may be due to overdue materials, materials with IFM attached that have not been received, etc. Lacks copyright compliance (will no longer be a Reason for No) Used when the Borrower has not noted CCG or CCL compliance
Forthcoming Changes? Lenders: ability to undo a shipped request, IFM upon shipped (Expected: ) Lenders will be able to undo a request that has been mistakenly marked as SHIPPED.This will be tied to a change in IFM, which will be triggered when a lender ships an item instead of when a borrower receives an item. Additionally, there will be a change to the system so when a borrower marks an item 'not received' an IFM charge will be reversed.
Auto-Trigger Received Auto-trigger RECEIVED after XX days (Summer 2009) This would be a solution for IFM on SHIPPED/UNDO SHIPPED/NOT RECEIVED This would help our lenders receive IFM payment accurately, not forcing libraries to invoice one another
Update, Lingering Questions VIVA as GAC-VIVA is a GAC; formerly cost $26 to be a GAC, no longer a charge Label template/USPS Machines? Amazon/OCLC Acquisitions- Amazon is a WorldCat cataloging partner (promptcat) Amazon reviews coming to, partnership may develop in interesting ways over time Amazon is not a partner in OCLC Selection OCLC System Monitoring/Updates Mentoring/SOLINET
What’s Next With OCLC Resource Sharing? Over the next year Tracking for major carriers Home delivery in existing products WCRS/ILLiad, VDX, WorldCat Navigator Home delivery as option to own patrons via OCLC ILS products Built around returning materials to home library for return to lender In the next 2+ years End user payment put in place Negotiations between OCLC and major carriers for shipping discounts for OCLC members
Tracking Tracking (Summer 2009) UPS, DHL, FedEx, USPS Implement APIs in WCRS, web services, VDX (not all at the same time) Re-implement “will supply” category With barcode reader to enter tracking number in and move to SHIPPED
Deflection Deflection (Summer 2009) Based on local holdings, the lender that has up-to- date local holdings can elect to not receive requests for which they do not hold the item Reasons for no: Deflection (Summer 2009) Lenders want the ability to set what the reason for no is in the case that multiple reasons apply, for a specific policy
Questions? Russell Palmer , ext