Network Concept of Operations November 9, 2007 ITS World Congress Demo Subcommittee Meeting Presented by Justin McNew x175
November 9, 2007ITS World Congress Demo Subcommittee Meeting Page 2 Agenda System Architecture Definition Data Communication Options Application Breakdown Schedule Further Discussions
November 9, 2007ITS World Congress Demo Subcommittee Meeting Page 3 System Architecture
November 9, 2007ITS World Congress Demo Subcommittee Meeting Page 4 RSE Architecture/Interfacing
November 9, 2007ITS World Congress Demo Subcommittee Meeting Page 5 Data Communications WAVE Short Message Protocol (WSMP) –Used for broadcast applications and basic requests from OBE to RSE –IPv4 based proxy and store and forward interface to back haul IPv6 Network Based Applications –Used for applications requiring two-way data exchange –IPv4 port forwarding to back haul
November 9, 2007ITS World Congress Demo Subcommittee Meeting Page 6 WSMP Proxy (UDP based) –“Repeating” of a WAVE Short Message received from back haul over the DSRC air interface (e.g. Signal Phase and Timing information) WSMP payload encapsulated in a UDP datagram from back haul WSMP payload transferred to WSM data bearer for transmission over the DSRC link –Forwarding of WAVE Short Messages received from OBEs across back haul –IPv4 port mapped to Provider Service ID Store and Forward (replay) –For transmitting of static or pseudo static information (e.g. Signing, Travel Time info, Geometric Intersection Description) –Message uploaded (file transfer based) as often as data changes
November 9, 2007ITS World Congress Demo Subcommittee Meeting Page 7 IPv6 DSRC Link –Provider Service ID identifies application Announced periodically (every 100 ms) UDP or TCP port number indicated in announcement –All OBE transmit to RSE IPv6 address with the appropriate port number Back Haul –Port forwarding to host/server –E.g. port 7001 maps to x.x:5001 on backhaul network
November 9, 2007ITS World Congress Demo Subcommittee Meeting Page 8 Application Breakdown WSMP –Travel Times –Signal Timing Information/Traffic Signal Preemption –Incident/Construction Information –Work Zone Safety Notification –Curve Speed Warning Notification –Vehicle Restrictions –GPS Corrections IPv6 –Route Guidance –Parking Availability and Real-Time parking reservations –Arterial Traffic Data –Advertising and Mobile Commerce –Electronic Toll Collection/ Congestion Pricing –Truck Inspection Clearance –Probe Data Collection
November 9, 2007ITS World Congress Demo Subcommittee Meeting Page 9 High Level Schedule Need individual application teams to publish their detailed schedules Need to establish procedural approach for network access –PSID assignments, IP address/port assignments, remote server connections, etc.
November 9, 2007ITS World Congress Demo Subcommittee Meeting Page 10 Discussion General discussion regarding Booz Allen Hamilton TI application (Ram) –Expand use beyond TI Individual applications (Jeremy, Jules, Linus, etc.) –Draft concept of operations received for ETC, Travel Information, Parking, CICAS, Signal Priority/Preemption, General Signing Apps