Plants: Internal and External Parts Chapter 2: Pages 41-72
Science Question of the Day… How big do you think the largest flower in the world is? Height? Diameter? Weight?
Engage: Consider my three plants… Describe them at your table. How are they alike? Different? How do they grow? How do they eat? Why are they different colors?
Parts of a Plant What do we call the stringy pieces that go into the ground? _____________________ How about the part that goes upward from the ground? ____________________ And these sort of circular parts coming off the center? ______________________ And how about these colorful parts at the top? ___________________________
What do we know? What do we want to know?
Science Question of the Day… How small do you think the smallest flower in the world is?
Explore: Dissect a Plant! Each group will have a flower to dissect. Use your tools to take it apart and sort them into groups. Try to label what you think these parts are and what they do using the sticky notes. Be delicate!
Explain: Share your findings Reporters will share their groups’ findings. Think of questions or comments you would like to share about your plant parts. Think of ways you can help each group understand the parts of a plant better. After hearing from others, would you like to change your plant parts?
Elaborate: Let’s find out more! Each group is responsible for learning about their plant part and teaching the class about what they learn. Use your note-maker to help you write down important things about your plant part. Use the resources on my website to help you.
Science Question of the Day… Coal is an important resource in Kentucky. How is coal formed?
Elaborate: Time to share Teach us about your plant parts and what you learned. Use your note-maker to share and make new notes about these plant parts.
All about roots!
All about stems!
All about leaves!
All about flowers!
Evaluate: What have we learned? Time for a quick quiz! Time for a quick quiz! Label the parts of the flower. Label the parts of the flower. When you are finished, turn When you are finished, turn over your quiz and take out a book.
Science Question of the Day… How do plants grow? Take your best guess, and you can draw a diagram of you like!
Engage: The parts we can’t see… Take a look at this penny. Looks pretty boring, right? Now look at it under a microscope…
It’s not smooth! What does it remind you of???
If we looked even closer, we would see this…
Explore: The small parts… There are millions of tiny parts of plants called cells. These cells help plants make food, turn carbon dioxide into oxygen, and they help the plant to reproduce. Let’s explore some of the important vocabulary.
Science Question of the Day… Which of these plants is not like the other? Which of these plants just doesn’t belong? Can you tell me which is not like the other… You know the rest. Which of these plants is not like the other? Which of these plants just doesn’t belong? Can you tell me which is not like the other… You know the rest.
Explain: Photosynthesis
Elaborate: Let’s Play… We are going to put on a photosynthesis play. This will help us learn the process, and exercise our acting skills at the same time. Let’s look at the rubric so we know how we will be graded on our performance.
Science Question of the Day… Have you ever seen the Giant Redwoods in California? How did they get there? How did one tree turn into thousands of trees? How do you think plants reproduce?
Engage: Parts of a Flower Think back to your research. What are the parts of the flower we discussed? What is the pistil? What is the stamen? What happens when they combine?
Explore: Let’s Pollinate! We are each going to be one of the following: - bat (white) - bee (yellow, blue, white, purple) - butterfly (red, yellow, oragce, purple) We are going to help pollinate some flowers! We are going to help pollinate some flowers!
Explain: Which flowers were pollinated most? Let’s take a look at how much pollen was moved from flower to flower. Why do some flowers have more pollen than others? Which flowers do you think are going to be more successful at making seeds?
Science Question of the Day… Do you think only flowers are pollinated? Why or why not?
Elaborate: Fertilization
Elaborate and Evaluate: Let’s find out more… With a partner read the passage on plant reproduction and answer the checkpoint questions. Then, on the bottom half of the page draw a diagram of what happens when a flower is pollinated. Make sure you include the parts listed!
Evaluate: Tell me what you know… We are going to practice our writing skills with a few short answers about the plants. You will use the passages from your book on pages to help you. We will use the K-PREP scoring guide to help us.