INTERREG III B Optimum2 Project. Clive Brown, Project Leader, Edinburgh Optimal Planning Through Implementation of Mobility Management
INTERREG III B Optimum2 Project. Marketing of Transport Initiatives
INTERREG III B Optimum2 Project. Marketing Measures Required Preparation of a Marketing Plan. Design and production of publicity material, targeted at employees (at major employers), about public transport improvements. Personalised Travel Assistance programme for at least 400 staff, from at least two employers.
INTERREG III B Optimum2 Project. Marketing Measures Applied Publicity and Information. General: in the form of posters and postcards. Specific: Edinburgh Park Cycling leaflet. Project website. Launched in November Newsletters. Three distributed, in electronic and hard copy formats over the project lifetime.
INTERREG III B Optimum2 Project. Marketing Measures Applied Personalised Travel Assistance (PTA) Provided to a total of 590 staff at: Royal Bank of Scotland, July Fort Kinnaird Retail Park, April 2006 and Telford College, August Travel Clinics in Edinburgh Park offices. Personalised Journey Planning Manual and automated techniques used.
INTERREG III B Optimum2 Project. Final Monitoring Surveys Distributed: 15,800. Surveys Returned: 1,762. Response Rate: 11%.
INTERREG III B Optimum2 Project.
Localised Changes Walking: 1% increase at the Western General and Telford College. Cycling: 2% increase at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, 3% at the Western General and 3% at Telford College. Bus: 10% increase at Fort Kinnaird and 3% at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Rail: 3% increase at Edinburgh Park and 2% at the Western General Hospital.
INTERREG III B Optimum2 Project. Car: slight declines (2 - 3%) at both hospitals.
INTERREG III B Optimum2 Project. What has been learned? Less specific approach to trip types seems to achieve more e.g. in Darlington. Project was about the behaviour of people, who can have non – linear reactions. Edinburgh is not alone. Council people benefit from involvement.
INTERREG III B Optimum2 Project. What remains unanswered? Would a longer project have allowed a modal shift to public transport to be eventually detected? Why did people have their non – linear reactions?
INTERREG III B Optimum2 Project. For further further information on this project and our Cookbook of mobility management measures, please see:
INTERREG III B Optimum2 Project.