Project situation analysis and technical reporting UNEP/GEF FNR_Rio project – 3 rd Project Steering Committee, March 13 th, 2012, Tehran, Iran Peter Herkenrath,


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Presentation transcript:

Project situation analysis and technical reporting UNEP/GEF FNR_Rio project – 3 rd Project Steering Committee, March 13 th, 2012, Tehran, Iran Peter Herkenrath, International Consultant

Contents 1.The outputs of the project 2.Status of delivery of outputs 3.Some conclusions 4.Next steps for outputs 13 March, 20122Project situation analysis and technical reporting

The project outputs International Consultant:  Global situation analysis – reporting requirements (output 1.1) Pilot countries:  National analysis study (output 1.2)  National manual (output 1.3)  Recommendations for improved information management and national reporting (outputs 2.1 and 2.2)  Needs analysis: training and technology (output 2.3)  Report on the quality of reporting (output 2.4) 13 March, 20123Project situation analysis and technical reporting

Testing the joint reporting format: additional outputs (added to output 1.3/ national manual) International Consultant:  Assessment of options for joint reporting  Draft joint reporting format for the three Rio Conventions Pilot countries:  Completed report using the draft joint reporting format  Questionnaire on experience with testing the draft joint reporting format 13 March, 20124Project situation analysis and technical reporting

Status of output delivery National situation analysis: done by all countries (one country: draft only) National manual for integrated reporting: 5 countries: 1 st /2 nd draft (final: end of project) Recommendations for improved information management and national reporting and the needs analysis for training and technology: 3 countries Testing the joint reporting format: all countries have expressed their willingness to do so 13 March, 20125Project situation analysis and technical reporting

Preliminary conclusions from outputs Approaches to reporting vary between countries Key priorities: collaboration between focal points/ agencies in charge of different conventions management of national environmental data & information required for reporting Workshops & consultations have brought stakeholders together Improved communication between stakeholders Key personnel has been trained 13 March, 20126Project situation analysis and technical reporting

Next steps for outputs: pilot countries Completed joint reporting format (output 1.3): 30 th April Completed questionnaire on experiences with joint reporting format (output 1.3): 30 th April Outstanding outputs : 30 th June (relevant pilot countries) Final version of national manual (output 1.3): 30 th September Report on quality of national reports (output 2.4): 30 th September 13 March, 20127Project situation analysis and technical reporting

Next steps for outputs: International consultant Report on pilot country experiences with joint reporting format (output 1.3): 31 st May Report on pilot country project experience (output 2.4): 31 st October 13 March, 20128Project situation analysis and technical reporting

Key outcome: Improved systems of reporting to the Rio Conventions Improved collaboration of focal points, agencies and stakeholders across the three conventions Improved management of national environmental data & information Improved reporting rate for Rio Conventions National manual capturing the project experience, recommendations and improvements 13 March, 20129Project situation analysis and technical reporting