Physical Needs Assessment GPS for renovation, don’t leave home without it! Jay Ortenzo
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Learning Objectives Recognizing the importance of a PNA Identify what data a PNA must include Identify the difference of repairs, replacements, and significant maintenance Understanding the relationship of the PNA to the viability/sustainability of the property Apply PNA information to short & long term planning
PNA Purpose The purpose of the PNA is to identify & provide cost estimates for; Immediate physical needs Physical needs over the expected building viability term
PNA Intent of Inspection Inspections include; Building site Building structure Standards of condition or compliance; Building codes UPCS Accessibility
PNA Standards Mandatory standards must be met when a component does not function or is not serviceable Project specific standards met where determined by individual project need
PNA Data Collection What tools are available Paper/form based Automated/computer based What information is collected
PNA Data Collection Repairs, Replacement, Capital Needs What is eligible? What is ineligible?
PNA Data Collection Health and Safety Systems Integrity Energy Conservation
PNA Analysis What will the preliminary hard cost be? What will the per unit hard cost be?
PNA Analysis How is a reasonable cost determined? What is “Total Development Cost” (TDC) How does TDC affect rehabilitation feasibility analysis Is there a feasibility threshold (90% or less of TDC)
PNA Conclusion Narrative report