New Standard
Aim To recognise and celebrate the best organisations delivering training and development solutions to employers Creating a quality mark to highlight the best organisations from which to access training Setting a high bar for accreditation to encourage providers to aspire to greater flexibility, relevance and commitment to continuous improvement.
Benefits to HTP A comprehensive framework through which to evaluate current strategies, approaches and results Delivers a rigorous, independent assessment with feedback Creates an opportunity for accreditation allowing HTP to stand out in the market Links to Framework for excellence Provide external agencies with assurance of the organisation’s commitment to quality
New Standard Pilot Feedback Submission Verification Moderation Pass/conditional pass/deferral/fail
Part A Responding to the Needs of Employers as Customers 7 Criterion (sections) split into a number of Indicators designed to cover the employer’s journey from initial enquiry to impact post training. A0Strategy A1Fundamentals (people, resources, marketing) A2Responsiveness A3Delivery A4Ability to build effective relationships with employers A5Data – Measurements of provision A6Performance review and improvement
Part B Developing and deploying products to address particular sector needs Not currently available HTP involvement Met with People 1st Member of Expert Panel Relevance to CoVE
Scoring Minimum score must be achieved in all areas Sections are weighted – importance of data Data must be available for at least 3 years Employers will be contacted following verification
A0 Strategy A0.1 Defining aims Mission Statement (puts learners AND employers at the centre of what we do) “HTP aims to raise participation and attainment through high quality training, particularly in the hospitality and service sectors, which meets the needs of learners and employer by developing innovative training solutions with its partners”
A0 Strategy A0.1 Define aims The strategy for working with employers defines aims and approaches which are communicated to appropriate stakeholders High level strategic objectives include a workforce development strategy Ensure underpinning key objectives support the strategy
AO Strategy A0.2 Define Market The strategy for working with employers includes an analysis of the market, key customer groups and sectors Gathering labour market information (internal and external sources) Analysis of LMI Communicate recommendations
A0 Strategy A0.3 Defining results Setting measurable and time-bound objectives Income from Employer Engagement The number of employers engaged in training
A0 Strategy A0.3 Defining Results Income from Employer Engagement Income from WBT (funded) Income from Commercial Training The number of employers engaged in training Percentage of repeat business (achieved via quantity and quality of provision) Percentage of new or previous employers Targets are set annually (1 August to 31 July)
Strategy Simplified Be flexible and innovative to meet the needs of learners and employers Be responsive to LMI Grow the business – income and engagement numbers whilst maintaining quality
Writing the Submission All sections are written using a simple format What we are trying to achieve How we are going to do it How effective are we being What are we doing in response to identified strengths and weaknesses improvement
A1 Fundamentals A1.1 Manage People A1.1 – The people arranging and delivering training solutions are reviewed regularly for performance and capability Ensure familiarity with the staff recruitment and induction process Ensure central recording authority is aware of all training – internal and external Conduct and record appraisals etc
A1.2 Manage Resources A1.2 The resources used to deliver training solutions are reviewed regularly for availability and quality Comply with awarding body requirements Ensure documentation is completed and appropriate action is taken and recorded Maintain high quality training materials in accordance with service standards Audit, report and take action
A1.3 Manage information A1.3 Employers are made aware, through appropriate information channels, of the range of training solutions available Annual marketing strategy and plan Annual targets Ensure marketing materials are up to date All customer facing staff must be familiar with the whole HTP portfolio of products available (that’s everyone!) Record employer gossip and pass it on
A2 Respond Responsive providers manage employers enquiries to understand their needs and identify the right solutions Take a consultative approach CRMS Accurately and systematically record contacts (CRMS) Adhere to Service Standards
A2.1 Manage Enquiries An employer’s enquiry is handled promptly and flexibly and is reviewed regularly against standards of customer service Let Admin know where you are Record and action all enquiries Check telephone messages and s regularly and respond CRMS weekly reports
A2.2 Understand Needs An employer’s wants are established and underlying business needs identified to shape solutions Consultative approach Training needs analysis Ensure clear (SMART) targets are agreed and recorded Avoid duplication (know what you already know)
A2.3 Manage referrals A2.3 An employer is referred to appropriate alternatives when an appropriate training solution cannot be provided. All enquiries by definition are HTP customers Partnership working arrangements Signposting
A2.4 Propose Solution A2.4 Proposals for the delivery of a solution are based on SMART targets reflecting an employer’s business needs Content and pricing agreed by Directors All proposals are approved by a member of SMT Client Folders CRMS updates
A3 Deliver Responsive providers deliver training solutions through clear communication and adaptive management of progress and emerging issues A3.1 Prepare Delivery Team People involved in delivering training solutions are briefed fully on the requirements and background of the employer before they begin working with them
A3.2 Prepare Customers A3.2 The employer and its employees are given appropriate briefing before delivery of a training solution begins Adhere to the HTP quality procedures Development audits
A3.3 Manage progress A3.3 Training solution delivery is reviewed regularly for quality and customer service and the employer is informed of progress made Ensure feedback forms (clients and trainers are completed and passed on) Record on CRMS In learning lists must be checked Reviews must be fully recorded Includes the monitoring of length of stay, completion rates, leaver figures and regional and national benchmarks
A3.4 Manage Feedback A3.4 The employer’s feedback on training solution delivery is sought and acted upon promptly where appropriate Customer complaints are dealt with at SMT or Director level. HTP complaints procedures
A4 Relate The outcome targets agreed at the proposal stage are reviewed upon delivery to identify and address the employer’s unmet business needs. A4.1 The outcome targets agreed at the proposal stage are reviewed upon delivery to identify and address the employ’s unmet business needs. Ensure course critiques are completed in full 100% WBT employers are involved in target setting 100% employers receive a satisfaction survey Plus 100% of employers engaged in bespoke training and 25% of WBT employers complete an in depth impact of training analysis Last man out policy
A4.2 Review Manage relationships A4.2 The relationship with an employer is managed and developed with contact maintained at appropriate intervals Targets are set for: Presently engaged in training New or previous employers Amount of repeat business
A5 Perform Responsive providers comprehensively measure and achieve satisfaction and impact for the employers they work with A5.0 Achieve results A5.1 Satisfy employers A5.2 Impact employers 300 Points Ensure responsibility for data is clear Ensure responsibility for recording and reporting is clear and systematically followed Allocate responsibility for action and monitor
A6 Improve Responsive providers review their performance in serving all employers and providing sector expertise to identify and pursue opportunities for improvement, innovation and learning
A6.1 Review performance Review performance against strategy and in satisfying and impacting employers is reviewed at an appropriate level and as a result improvements are implemented Systematic planning cycle Systematically measuring performance against contract year targets. Responding to strengths and weaknesses Reporting responses to customers
6.2 Develop services The range and content of training solutions offered continues to evolve and improve CoVE employer forums Work with SSCs Piloting of new courses Dissemination of new product information
Summary Ensure staff are fully conversant with all procedures Identify measures to address areas of weakness Challenge, discuss, share – AND RECORD Be responsive to market dynamics, constantly moving forwards and not restrained by the strain of keeping things fixed when all the world is in continual progress (especially in the world of training!!)