Biodiesel and Mobility Management – ECOMM05 Parma – Karl-Heinz Posch Biodiesel and Mobility Management DI Karl Reiter | DI (FH) Markus Garger Karl-Heinz Posch FGM-AMOR ECOMM Seminar 2005 Urban Policies, Session 4 Environmental Policies to improve the effect of Mobility Management
Biodiesel and Mobility Management – ECOMM05 Parma – Karl-Heinz Posch DI Karl Reiter | DI (FH) Markus Garger FORSCHUNGSGESELLSCHAFT MOBILITÄT AUSTRIAN MOBILITY RESEARCH 40 EMPLOYEES Located in Graz, Austria Company since 1993 Turnover: 2 Million Euro 60% International, 40% national projects Weve worked in over 50 EU-projects DEPARTMENTS AND FIELDS OF ACTIVITY Mobility Concepts, Telematics, Project Coordination, Transport Planning Traffic Safety, Health and Mobility, Communication and Design
Biodiesel and Mobility Management – ECOMM05 Parma – Karl-Heinz Posch FGM-AMOR and Mobility Management: European Projects DI Karl Reiter | DI (FH) Markus Garger : MOMENTUM Mobility Management in the urban environment : MOST Mobility Management Strategies for the next decades : MAX Successful Travel Awareness Campaigns and Mobility Management Strategies Since 1998: Member of the EPOMM Management
Biodiesel and Mobility Management – ECOMM05 Parma – Karl-Heinz Posch FGM-AMOR and Mobility Management: Local Activities DI Karl Reiter | DI (FH) Markus Garger Since 1997, operating Mobil Zentral, the first Austrian Mobility Centre Since 1996, bicycle training in schools for pupils Mobility Management for schools (ca. 20 schools) Mobility Management for companies (ca. 30 companies and administrations) Mobility Management for events Mobility Management for housing projects Mobility Management linked with health
Biodiesel and Mobility Management – ECOMM05 Parma – Karl-Heinz Posch Biodiesel in Graz DI Karl Reiter | DI (FH) Markus Garger 1986 south of Graz a farmers cooperative developed a Biodiesel production plant in cooperation with the University of Graz Feedstock was first rape seed, but soon extended to used cooking oil The environmental department of the city of Graz developed a programme of used cooking oil collection for restaurants and households The chemistry institute at the University of Graz developed in to one of the most advanced Biodiesel analysis institutes in the world and developed the first biodiesel standards The Institute of Internal Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics at the Technical University in Graz has some or the most advanced vehicle and engine test beds in the world
Biodiesel and Mobility Management – ECOMM05 Parma – Karl-Heinz Posch Biodiesel in Graz -2 DI Karl Reiter | DI (FH) Markus Garger 1998 – foundation of Biodiesel International BDI, today the world market leader in Multi-Feedstock BioDiesel plant technology 1994 – GVB, Graz public transport tested 2 biodiesel busses operating on 100% biodiesel 1997 – under EU-programme CENTAUR, 10 more busses went in operation 2002 – 2005 under EU-programme Trendsetter, the whole busfleet was converted, today, 130 busses are operating with 100% biodiesel, the only public transport company in the world to do so 2005 – 60 taxis from the Taxi company 878 are operating with 100% biodiesel About 500 tons of used cooking oil are collected each year in Graz alone and converted to biodiesel
Biodiesel and Mobility Management – ECOMM05 Parma – Karl-Heinz Posch Biodiesel operation technical requirements DI Karl Reiter | DI (FH) Markus Garger exchange of fuel hoses and gaskets check of all parts supplied with biodiesel (heaters) certification from the engine manufacturer consent from the producer of the injection pump additional supply with particle filters
Biodiesel and Mobility Management – ECOMM05 Parma – Karl-Heinz Posch Biodiesel operation results DI Karl Reiter | DI (FH) Markus Garger motor oil change every km, no special motor oil is needed no greater wear in the engine 33% fossil diesel oil in winter 7% higher consumption biodiesel price is lower
Biodiesel and Mobility Management – ECOMM05 Parma – Karl-Heinz Posch Biodiesel and Mobility Management in Graz DI Karl Reiter | DI (FH) Markus Garger Used cooking oil collection service for households in connection with bulky waste collection FGM-AMOR experience with mobility consulting EU-project Trendsetter Campaign for collecting oil and sustainable mobility
Biodiesel and Mobility Management – ECOMM05 Parma – Karl-Heinz Posch Biodiesel and Mobility Management in Graz - 2 DI Karl Reiter | DI (FH) Markus Garger Information day Door to door consulting Info and consulting on toxic waste, used cooking oil collection, recycling food Info on biodiesel use in Graz Personal and general mobility consultation Information on Trendsetter project in Graz
Biodiesel and Mobility Management – ECOMM05 Parma – Karl-Heinz Posch Evaluation DI Karl Reiter | DI (FH) Markus Garger During action, and by telephone interviews 3 months later 8% of approached households started collecting used cooking oil 55% still know about the services of Mobil Zentral Slight increase in general satisfaction with Public Transport Behaviour change not measured (not enough time for individual in depth surveys, results would be too unreliable)
Biodiesel and Mobility Management – ECOMM05 Parma – Karl-Heinz Posch Conclusion DI Karl Reiter | DI (FH) Markus Garger Successful small pilot scheme Door to door consulting is too expensive Combination of consulting on used cooking oil collection, waste and mobility works Systematic continuation in Graz is possible, but doubtful
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