1 ND Topical Call Series: NDTAC Resources to Meet Technical Assistance Needs (Call 3) 22 September 2015 – Katie Deal
2 Call Series Overview A selection of NDTAC resources to meet technical assistance (TA) needs: –Call 1: Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) –Call 2: Annual count –Call 3: Program administration and institutionwide projects (IWPs)
3 Call Series Overview TA: Targeted support to address a need or problem –Via information, expertise, instruction, etc –Requires strong relationships, internal capacity, and effective methods (e.g. individual consultation, small group facilitation, web-based resources) –Capacity Quality Effectiveness Change
4 Introductions Denis Buchel, nationalgeographic.com
5 Call Outline Background Title I, Part D (Part D) administration Resources Program Administration Planning Toolkit Institutionwide Project Planning Toolkit Discussion TA Topical calls NDTAC events and resources
6 Part D Administration
7 Part D Structure
8 Planning and funding –Annual count –State plans –Application development and review –Developing and implementing IWPs Monitoring and compliance –Federal and subgrantee monitoring Reporting and evaluation –Data collection, reporting, and use Part D Program Administration
9 Program Administration Planning Toolkit docs/programAdminPlanningToolkit.pdf docs/programAdminPlanningToolkit.pdf (NDTAC > Administering TIPD > Planning and Funding > Introduction)
10 Program Administration Planning Toolkit Comprehensive document on program planning –All ED requirements and information from ED/NDTAC Presents an overview of steps in administration and provides resources and hands-on tools –Description of each task involved –Four related tools: (1) creating and reviewing applications, (2) approving proposed uses of funds, (3) conducting a needs assessment, (4) creating formal agreements between agencies
11 Program Administration Planning Toolkit TA examples: Developing applications Understanding the needs assessment process Aligning applications and formal agreements Looking for formal agreement template/sample
12 Discussion: What are some related TA needs have you experienced at the SEA, SA, LEA, or facility level? Program Administration Planning Toolkit
13 Program Administration Planning Toolkit Tasks involved in program administration –Ensuring eligibility to receive funds Verify subgrantees’/facilities’ eligibility –Deciding how to allocate funds Formula and/or discretionary funding –Developing subgrantee applications Applications as a tool for developing and implementing a statewide program focused on positive outcomes for youth Needs assessments and formal agreements –Providing training and TA to applicants Address applicants’ questions via calls, webinars, etc –Reviewing submitted applications Do they propose allowable and appropriate use of funds?
14 Program Administration Planning Toolkit Hands-on tools –Fund allocation resource index (p9-15) –Four tools Checklists for creating and reviewing applications (p16-26) Steps to approve proposed uses of funds (p27-32) Conducting a needs assessment (p33-40) Formal agreement resources (p41-45)
15 Program Administration Planning Toolkit Tool 1: Checklists for creating and reviewing applications –Application checklists State Part D coordinators: Plan/update what subgrantee applications and/or training/TA materials should include; cross-check whether applications received are complete SA/LEA administrators: Cross-check whether application to be submitted is complete –Additional considerations Resources and questions to help customize checklists
16 Program Administration Planning Toolkit Tool 2: Steps to approve proposed use of funds –Decision rules to help determine whether a proposed use of funds is allowable and appropriate State Part D coordinators: Reviewing applications SA/LEA administrators: Proposing uses of funds –Six steps: Federal requirements state plan subgrantee application Federal regulations state/local laws additional areas
17 Program Administration Planning Toolkit Tool 3: Conducting a needs assessment –Tools/frameworks for states, subgrantees, or facilities to follow as needed Identifying the assessment’s scope and developing a team Developing questions and summarizing data for the program overview Identifying and using the data Identifying needs and setting priorities
18 Program Administration Planning Toolkit Tool 4: Formal agreement resources –Formal agreement checklist State Part D coordinators and LEA administrators: Help ensure that program requirements are included in agreements sent to facilities; when reviewing applications and agreements from facilities; and/or in training and TA Facility administrators: Help ensure their agreement has addressed Federal program requirements –Components of a comprehensive agreement table Use as the basis for developing a formal agreement template or form
19 Institutionwide Project Planning Toolkit institutionwide-project-planning-toolkithttp:// institutionwide-project-planning-toolkit (NDTAC > Administering TIPD > Planning and Funding > Introduction)
20 IWP Planning Toolkit Includes two tools for the development and approval of high-quality IWP plans: –IWP Plan Review Form: Helps State Part D coordinators and SA administrators approve IWP plans that meet all facility eligibility criteria; are complete; and fulfill all statutory requirements –IWP Plan Template: Provides guidance to facility administrators during development of IWP plans
21 IWP Planning Toolkit Tool 1: IWP Plan Review Form –Facility profile and review information –Eligibility criteria (e.g. facility eligibility, funding period) –IWP plan requirements (e.g. needs assessment, use of funds)
22 IWP Planning Toolkit Tool 2: IWP Plan Template –Section I: Facility profile –Section II: Needs assessment –Section III: Program description –Section IV: Program evaluation –Section V: Logic model (optional)
23 IWP Planning Toolkit TA examples –Filling out subgrantee applications –Determining whether a program meets IWP eligibility criteria –Looking for an IWP plan template/sample
24 Discussion: What are some related TA needs have you experienced at the SEA, SA, LEA, or facility level? IWP Planning Toolkit
25 Discussion
26 Discussion How could these tools support your TA needs and/or your future TA provision? What do you need to more effective with TA? Do you have any resources or tools that you’re willing to share with the ND community? Q&A
27 NDTAC Events and Resources
28 NDTAC Topical Call Series Improving Data Quality and Use –Data quality and use –Collecting student outcome data after exit –CSPR data collection NDTAC Resources to Meet TA Needs –CSPR –Annual count –Program administration and institutionwide projects Subgrantee Monitoring Tools –Meeting civil rights obligations –Evaluating the conditions for learning in facilities –Serving special populations NDcommunities.org > Events
29 NDTAC Webinars (N&D InFocus) Supporting Youth with Special Education Needs in Justice Settings (December 2014) Truly College and Career Ready: High-Quality Education in Juvenile Justice Settings (March 2015) Meeting the Educational and Related Needs of Youth with Disabilities in Juvenile Secure Care (July 2015) What’s Next for High-Quality Correctional Education for Youth in Juvenile Secure Care (September 2015) NDTAC.org > Events
30 NDTAC Resources Publication topics this year: –Annual count –Annual performance overviews –CSPR –Data collection –Data dashboards –Education quality –Fast Facts –Inter/intra-agency leadership –Logic models –Pre/post-tests –Relationships between juvenile justice and education agencies NDTAC.org > Mailing List