Week 7-Proposal Writing CAYW 314 CYW in the Community III.


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Presentation transcript:

Week 7-Proposal Writing CAYW 314 CYW in the Community III

Agenda 1. Housekeeping-Attendance, Review agenda, Report assignment due next week. (Remember- You should be getting results back now so you can write the report by next week). Next week is a ‘working class’ for beginning the Assignment #4 Proposal assignment thus no formal class. You can hand in Assignment #3 to the locked box next Week/Thursday by 4 p.m. 2. Objectives Review proper procedures for writing proposals. 3. Lecture/Discussion/Video 4. Review Assignment #4 5. Quote/Homework/Next Week- Working class, Assessment #3 Community Needs Assessment report due.

Transition In Last week in call we talked about….who is up for hang man? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Proposal Writing What do you think are the parts to a written proposal?

Proposals It has been said that writing a proposal is just an orderly way of organizing your thinking in regards to a program or activity you plan (Kiritz, 1980). The main purpose of proposals is to acquire funds, present information, request a change in policy and/or gain approval for an initiative. A proposal is a formal, typewritten document that is submitted to an appropriate source in order o explain the service/activity that you would like to create and/or request funds/approval. The writing of the proposal involves many parts/sections

Parts of a Proposal Your project proposal will comprise the following sections; Introduction/Project Summary (sometimes called an executive summary and/or abstract) Purpose/Goals/Objectives/Need of Project Design/Methodology Budget Description (Revenues and expenditures Evaluation/Conclusions/Qualifications/Support

Research Activity Step One-Form groups of 3-4 students Choose one of the proposal sections listed and complete the following exercise as a group. Introduction/Project Summary (sometimes called an executive summary and/or abstract) Purpose/Goals/Objectives/Need of Project Design/Methodology Budget Description (Revenues and expenditures Evaluation/Conclusions/Qualifications/Support Have your group take 20 minutes to research your proposal section (by internet research) in terms of what your section should include when writing a report. Write down some salient points and be prepared to share your results with the class.

Assignment #4 Due: November 10, 2011 Mark Allocation: 20% Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to work in small groups to compose a section of a written proposal related to a CYW advocacy/community education project. For this proposal you are asked to focus on the need/theme identified from the community needs assessment assignment in planning the report scope. The proposal will request approval from an external committee for the advocacy/community education proposed project plan.

Assignment #4 Cont’d Instructions: In groups of 5-6 students, individuals will be asked to complete one of the following report/proposal sections listed below. Students will use information provided in class lectures to complete this assignment. The proposal sections must be 3-5 pages in length and include some type of visual image display. Students will fill out a pear/self evaluation (see attached) which will be included with the final copy and will be factored into the overall mark. Students will also receive feedback from faculty which they are to use for editing purposes when they the revised edition prior to the CYW advocacy proposal oral presentations. This project will adhere to all program guidelines.

Evaluation Evaluation: Each group of students will prepare a written submission based on one of the proposal sections listed below. Introduction/Project Summary- Briefly introduce the proposal telling the readers its overall contents Introduce who you are and why you are doing this project. Include some history of this event (i.e,. conference) Present the background—the problem, opportunity, or situation that brings about the proposed project Get the reader concerned about the problem, excited about the opportunity/project, or interested in approving this cause. Provide a concise summary of the project idea/proposal Indicate the most important key benefits of doing the proposed project, and the advantages that come from approving it. Use multiple points if necessary Adhere to proper formatting (spelling, grammar, paragraph structure) etc. /15

Evaluation Needs Assessment/Goals & Objectives- Identify/state the needs or problems to be addressed and Support/back up your statement with research/evidence (i.e. needs assessment surveys) and statistics if available Indicate the target population that you are hoping to serve State what you propose to do about the problem (i.e. community education/conference), how you plan to help the participants take advantage of the opportunity, how you intend to help with the situation. State the desired goals, objectives to address the needs/problems. Use multiple points if necessary Adhere to proper formatting (spelling, grammar, paragraph structure) etc./15

Evaluation Project Design/Methodology- Describe the process to be used to achieve the goals and objectives Provide a chronological description of the proposed project and actions that will accomplish this plan. Break project into phases and present a timetable/timeline/chart i.e. Phase 1-description, start date to completion date Describe exactly what the completed project would consist of, what it would look like, how it would work (who, what, where, when and how). Enable readers to understand how you'll go about the proposed work. Use multiple points if necessary Adhere to proper formatting (spelling, grammar, paragraph structure) etc./15

Evaluation Budget/Funding Requirements- List the resources you'll need to do the project. List proposed project costs and budget of project. Use a table or chart to present your figures. Outline the key people who will be involved (guest speakers, workshop instructors etc.) Indicate the intended audience and plans that you may have to recoup some funds (conference expense). List any committed/pending funding or donated service sources (i.e. funding request letters) Use multiple points if necessary Adhere to proper formatting (spelling, grammar, paragraph structure) etc./15

Evaluation Qualifications and Conclusion- Briefly list your qualifications for the project; provide a mini-resume of the background your group has that makes you right for the project. Provide evidence and support of accomplishments Conclude with a review of the benefits of doing the project Discuss how project success will be evaluated List endorsements from other individuals or organizations, if available Specify the actions required of your audience. Urge the audience to get in touch or to accept the proposal. Use multiple points if necessary Adhere to proper formatting (spelling, grammar, paragraph structure) etc./15

Group Member’s Name Attende d Meeting s Complete d Assigned Tasks/Job s Aided In Proble m Solving Participate d in Group Discussions / Tasks Aided in Cohesio n of Group TOTA L /10 /10 /10 /10 /10 /50 /10 /10 /10 /10 /10 /50 /10 /10 /10 /10 /10 /50 /10 /10 /10 /10 /10 /50 /10 /10 /10 /10 /10 /50 Peer and Self Evaluation Marking Sheet for Group Written Report NAME: TOPIC: Give each person in your group, including yourself, a mark out of 10 for each section. The total mark is out of 50. This mark will be a part (2/20) 10% of your project mark.

Summary/Homework Select groups/sections Objectives Reviewed: Review proper procedures for proposals Next week: Assignment #3 Due-Report. Working class to work on Assignment#4 See ‘sample’ on BB Shift Happens “Social entrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish or teach how to fish. They will not rest until they have revolutionized the fishing industry.” Bill Drayton Bill Drayton

Globalization, Information Age, Advocacy and YOU! Shift Happens 363A2Q&feature=player_detailpage