WELCOME BACK Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired (IESBVI) August 16, 2013
Agenda for the morning Welcome and Introductions Celebrations Initiatives Policies and Procedures Trainings Updates Lunch!!! 1:30 returned to afternoon assignment
Staff Updates Best Wishes: Judye Cooper Rita Best-Eschen Welcome: Dr. Susan Brennan – Deaf-Blind Education Consultant Nancy Henderson – TVI (Heartland)
Strategic Plan Students perform at high levels Students gain independence in areas of the Expanded Core Curriculum Students progress with Braille instruction Students are prepared at graduation for employment and/or post-secondary education We continue to become more efficient
Students perform at high levels
Target. Increase by 15% the number of students served by the Statewide System for Vision Services (in conjunction with other partners) who meet or exceed state academic standards in reading by 2016.
Target. Increase by 15% the number of students served by the Statewide System for Vision Services (in conjunction with other partners) who meet or exceed state academic standards in mathematics by 2016.
Students gain independence in areas of the Expanded Core Curriculum
Target. All students will have an opportunity to access regional services for needs in the expanded core curriculum, as based on needs assessment and Individual Education Programs. Greater than 11 percent increase in participation from with a 12% increase in unduplicated count participation.
* Braille. All students using Braille for reading and writing will increase their Braille literacy skills. Students will increase their Braille literacy skills by an average of 75 percent by * Baseline data was gathered in May 2011 and annual progress data gathered May 2012 and * 76% percent of the students made at least 15 percent increase in skills from their baseline scores representing a 4% increase from 2012.
Students are prepared at graduation for employment and/or post-secondary education
Target. Increase to 100% the students who have transition goals and outcomes in place by age 16 including appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that are annually updated and based upon an age appropriate transition assessment, transition services, including courses of study, that will reasonable enable the student to meet those postsecondary goals, and annual IEP goals related to the student’s transition service needs.
We continue to become more efficient
Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired Working Toward Statewide Standards of Practice (Operationalizing the Strategic Plan) August 16, 2013
Foundation Preferred Future Strategic Plan Feasibility and Planning Quality Programs for students with Visual Impairments (QPVI) PD/classes Leadership Cadre
Mission Statement Our mission is to enable Iowa's students who are blind or visually impaired to function as independently as possible in all aspects of life by providing appropriate educational opportunities, resources, and support services.
What are Standards of Practice? Standards of Practice are those best practices that we, collectively at IESBVI, agree should be standard and thus expected of our services across the state. Whether your role is TVI, OMS, Consultant, Regional Director, Superintendent of IESBVI/ISD, or Cabinet member, the expectation is that the Standards of Practice are evident in services provided to students, families, and LEA/AEA staff. The Standards of Practice will insure that a student receiving services anywhere in the state of Iowa will have the same opportunities for learning regardless of their location.
Standards of Practice StudentAchievement ECC Transition Literacy Math Across all Content Areas *Technology *Coaching/Consulting *Use of Data
Who will plan the work? Leadership Cadre: 4 TVIs 2 OMS Consultants Leadership Team
“Quality is never an accident… It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution. It represents the wise choice of many alternatives.” -Will Foster
Feasibility and Planning Study Committee - Purpose Students who are deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired in Iowa Future planning for effective and efficient services statewide – Administrative – Programmatic
Feasibility and Planning Study Committee – Make-up Recommended the establishment of Regional Programs statewide Affirmed the importance of Iowa School for the Deaf
Feasibility and Planning Study Committee - Timeline Study conducted summer and fall 2012 Recommendations to the BOR by winter 2012 Recommendations to the legislature by the Department of Management by 2013 legislative session Planning for implementation from fall 2014 Implementation to follow the legislative action – Phased in over two-five years.
Regional Program Planning Management Team for Blind and Visually Impaired + Executive Team for Deaf and Hard of Hearing = Leadership Team for Deaf and Blind
Regional Program Planning Planning began in February 2013 Recommendations to the BOR in September 2013 Recommendations and requests to the legislature during the 2014 session Planning for implementation fall 2014 Phased in over three-four years.
Policies and Procedures Handbook and Forms New timecard process Business functions update Technology update Remote site
Policy and Procedure Updates Employee Handbook Now located on the public website Accessible by section or available as one complete handbook Forms Now located on the public website – Faculty Resources – Forms
Policy and Procedure Updates Password Policy (Policy 3.26) Majority of employees must change their password every 180 days – Only those employees connected to the Vinton campus network (on- campus or using VPN) will be given automatic 14-day notice – Employees not regularly connected to the Vinton campus network should set a calendar reminder to reset their password. How to Reset Password: – On-Campus Employees – Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE – Off-Campus Employees with an IESBVI PC – Launch VPN and then press CTRL+ALT+DELETE – Off-Campus Employees with AEA PC – Log in to Outlook Web Access and select “Options,” then “Change Password”
Policy and Procedure Updates Annual Calendar (Policy 3.1) New Annual Calendar Form for Faculty – Similar layout and look as last form – PDF format with automatic calculations Calendar Procedure 1.Complete calendar and submit to Rita Mahan by September 1 2.Rita will facilitate approval process with Regional Director 3.Rita will maintain ALL faculty calendars during the school year 4.Calendar Change requests should be submitted to Regional Director Regional Director will forward approved calendar changes to Rita and she will update your annual calendar Annual Calendar will now be used as payroll record
Policy and Procedure Updates Salary Exception Reporting (Policy 13.11) Staff Absence Report, Faculty Payroll Form, and ESY Timesheet have been replaced with a single form. All Salaried Employees will use the same form. New Form - “Salary Exception Report” – Use for reporting absences AND additional work – Automated form – clicking “Submit” button will generate in Outlook and attach completed form
Policy and Procedure Updates Salary Exception Reporting Process (Policy 13.11) 1. Last Friday (morning) of Pay Cycle – Rita Mahan will send an asking if you have exceptions to your approved annual calendar. 2. Vote “Yes” or “No” by following Monday at 9 a.m. 3. If “No” – You’re done! If “Yes” – Submit a Salary Exception Report to Rita
Information Technology Updates CRM Outlook Security and Password
CRM Changes to Service Page and Caseload Report Caseload Report will calculate and total service, travel and material prep time once data is moved into new fields (Mid September completion). IEP data to be downloaded in place of manual data entry. (Regional admins will discuss this afternoon). CRM database upgrade this fall to allow other browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, etc.) Until then, disallow Internet Explorer from upgrading to version 10 and remove 10 to return to version 9. (Assistance on request). Information Technology Updates
Outlook No longer forwarding IESBVI/IBS mail to AEA To reduce paperwork, voting feature will be used by Business Office, HR. Staff who use iPads, iPhones, Blackberries, webmail, etc. will need to answer the voting buttons in the Windows version of Outlook. Information Technology Updates
Security – Password Changes 180 day password change rule (audit requirement). Off campus staff who have IBS PC’s need Cisco VPN installed. This greatly simplifies the password change process. Campus network ports restricted to IBS devices only. Wi-Fi restrictions coming. (Guest vs. IBS Devices only.) Information Technology Updates
More efficient and effective Mutual benefit Contracted and salaried employees Voluntary – privilege Approval for an employee to work from an alternative site Application by September 1, 2013 Not to be confused with flexible scheduling Mileage and mail from an agency center Remote Worksite Program
Trainings Fall Vision Conference – October 7&8, 2013 Outlook training AEA sponsored trainings
Updates Extended Learning Low Vision Clinics Assistive Device Center Facilities
Have a GREAT year with Iowa’s Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired! Reminder: ICN Sessions will resume at 1:30 for all faculty Consultants will meet at 1:30 in Room 118 at IBS