HSS Faculty Expectations Academic Year
Work Expectations Teaching (4 classes or 5 with one prep) and working with students (help when can but not enable) Good transportation is a necessity Develop Syllabi Conduct and report (turn in) assessments Mentor and advise students (Registration week 8:30-5:00) Use facts and evidence when advising (not intuition and assumptions( Understand department policies etc. Attend Department, Administrative, Instructional, Committee and any other meetings and participate (report back to department) Complete department tasks by deadline
Work Expectations Turn in grades on time and make sure they are correct. Turn in signed copy (I’s and Changes of Grades, Drops) Complete assessment tasks Document retention efforts Complete annual report at end of year Develop a work plan (WEF) Complete annual report and other assigned reports Assist students
Observations Faculty will help in observing adjunct instructors Observations can be either unnanounced or announced
Expectations Copying ---Done at Piya Wiconi Keys ---Available if you get a code Fundraising ---need prior approval for any kind of fundraising Field Trips ---propose to department and chair before semester begins. – Co-curricular Activity form OLC Activities ---get approval from me and possibly from VP and/or President – Write a short letter proposing activity and include signature lines Attend as many OLC events as possible Continue developing knowledge of reservation, culture, history, language and other ways to assist in the mission of the college Commitment!!
Time Piya Wiconi – Contract days not teaching (reg week, prep week, Fridays, etc) expected to be at Piya Wiconi – Hours are 8:30 AM-5:00 PM – Make appointments when class and meeting schedule allows opportunity Class – Attend all classes for three hours (no lates or early departures) (don’t cancel unless absolutely necessary). – Make appointments when class and meeting schedule allows opportunity – If you must miss class, send me and center staff an and let me know how and when you make it up. Model timeliness!!
Leave Any Friday, Meeting Date, Registration week etc ---Take Leave for the full 8 hours if you do not come at all. Missing Class – Center Closes ---No Leave required ---must make up class (send documentation) – Snow Day/ Weather –No leave required –must make up class(send documentation) – Accidents or other Unfortunate Events –Talk to Chair regarding leave and send documentation as to how class will be made up – Sick –Take Sick leave and make up class (send documentation) – Appointments –Take appropriate leave and make up class (send documentation) (Appointments should be made at times other than class time when possible.) LEAVE---use form or send requesting leave. Time Sheet ---Send time log every two weeks. If I do not receive, then you will not be paid. If you do not identify type of leave, then it will be LWOP If you use up PL then you will have LWOP
LEAVE Submit a leave request before requested leave date (including missing classes). If you have an emergency or cannot send a leave , you can send a text or facebook message or call me to let me know. Then send a leave form AS SOON AS you can and reference the text, facebook message or phone call in the . When I receive a request for leave , I will back saying approved or denied. I can then print it off to act as the paper leave form. The leave requests should come via and look like this: Request for Leave Date and Time of leave: (Example: 9/24 8:30 – 5:00 PM) Type of Leave and Amount of Leave (SL, PL, CN): (Example: 8 Hr PL) ** I agree that any leave in excess of amount available to me will be L.W.O.P. (Leave without Pay).
Time Sheets You will also need to continue filling out the time sheet every two weeks. I will send the reminder on Friday morning, and you will need to submit your timesheet by 10:00 am Monday morning. Timesheets will be submitted in moodle this year. Make sure your time sheet accounts for all leave you requested that pay period. The timesheet forms will be available in moodle. If timesheets are not accurate, time will not be submitted that week. After the timesheet is corrected, the time sheet will be submitted for pay the following pay period. Make sure your leave slips match what you put on the time sheet. You will also record professional development and student contact each pay period.
Availability One hour office time for each class at each center Check regularly---daily preferred (or at the very least every few days) Be available during winter break and summer break. Be available on Fridays at Piya Wiconi
Course Content Masters Responsible for: – Textbook orders (Desk copies and Student Copies) – Syllabi – Letters to adjuncts – Communication with adjuncts – Delivering textbooks, syllabi and info (ex ICAF and artifact directions) to adjuncts – Collection and summary of material from adjuncts (and collect syllabi) – Complete data analysis of artifact data – Gather adjunct CV’s etc. – Assist with adjunct observations/evaluations – Assist with approval of adjunct faculty – Help adjuncts upload syllabi in Moodle – Help adjuncts upload ICAF’s in Moodle
Syllabi Standard form Place in web folders for students Upload into moodle. Help adjuncts regarding syllabi into Moodle and web folder.
Assessment Complete all assessment requirements. – Upload syllabi in Moodle – Upload ICAF’s in Moodle – Complete data analysis – Participate in making recommendations for change based upon data.
Scheduling Don’t solicit from centers All FT faculty names will be added in a department meeting or via full department s When using , first come first serve We are not to change days and times!
Committees Send your preference I will move faculty in order to guarantee that we are represented within each committee First come first serve
Chain of Command If you have something that needs attention, come to me first. If you feel that I cannot help you, ask me who can help. If you feel that I will not help you, ask to talk to me about this fact before going to others. Going to the VP and President should be a last resort.
FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT (FERPA) The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act requires that all those who work in education keep student information private. This means that any information that is linked with a student’s name should not be revealed by OLC faculty to anyone else, except co- workers who have a need to know. Gradebooks and grades on papers should never be visible to anyone other than the student receiving the grade. Addresses, phone numbers, and other personal information should not be given to anyone else, including a relative of the student. Adjuncts should review their handling of student information to insure privacy.
Complaints About centers ---write it up About department members –write it up About others ---Discuss with me first and we will decide if it needs written up. About me ---talk to me first then go to VP or President Any others??
Respect Be a team player Participate Don’t take too much time (not allowing others to talk) Don’t cut people off Allow everyone to talk Have a positive attitude Cell Phone—turn off during meetings and class Confidentiality Reason for being here……students…..
Know Policies – Administration Drop down – Policy Manual
End of year check out Department tasks complete Grades complete (stay available for questions etc.) Turn in paper copy of grades with signature. Assessment tasks complete Retiring or leaving? Turn in lap tops and/or projectors, keys