Designing the Future of NMDOT NM Section ITE September 3, 2015 Tamara P. Haas, P.E. Asset Management & Planning Division Director
MAP-21 Performance-Based Planning Umbrella Asset Management Plan Performance-Based Long Range Plan STIP tied to goals, targets Highway Safety Improvement Plan Highway Safety Plan Congestion, Air Quality Plan Freight Plan Performance Focused
New Mexico 2040 Transportation Plan
Purpose of the plan Provide a visionary, transparent, predictable, performance-based, and strategic framework to guide decision- making for future transportation investments in New Mexico. Note: This plan meets the requirements of federal law (23 USC 135) for each state to develop a long range plan that is based on wide and diverse stakeholder input; addresses multiple modes of transportation (including bicycles and pedestrians); is statewide in scope; and has a 20-year minimum horizon.
Phased Development PHASE 1: Existing Conditions − “Where Are We Now?” Data and Information Needs Assessment Existing Conditions and Trends Analysis PHASE 4: Implementation − “What Will It Take?” Plan Writing, Graphic Design, & Document Management Plan Approval and Implementation PHASE 2: Strategic Direction − “Where Do We Want To Go?” Vision, Goals, Objectives, and Performance Measures Scenario Analysis Target Setting PHASE 3: Resource Allocation − “How Will We Get There?” Plan Alternatives Analysis Completed Summer 2014 Completed Fall 2014 Completed Winter 2015 Public Review of Draft Currently Underway
Alternative ways of moving forward
Regional Working Groups Stakeholder Engagement Top Down – reviewed by committees with decision making authority Bottom up – developed by working groups with broad expertise from all regions of New Mexico Statewide Working Groups 1. Public health, safety & security 2. State of good repair 3. Access, mobility, & connectivity 4. Economic vitality—freight movement 5. Economic vitality—regional development 6. Visitor travel, recreation & tourism 7. State, federal and tribal lands 8. Cultural, historic, natural resources 9. Plan implementation NMDOT Coordinating Committee All divisions & districts NMDOT Coordinating Committee All divisions & districts Metropolitan/Regional Coordinating Committee MPO and RTPO staff Metropolitan/Regional Coordinating Committee MPO and RTPO staff Tribal Coordinating Committee All 22 tribes Tribal Coordinating Committee All 22 tribes New Mexico Citizens and Visitors Other Groups Interagency Coordinating Committee State & federal agencies Interagency Coordinating Committee State & federal agencies
The stakeholders told us: 1.Identify sustainable revenue sources / use resources efficiently 2.Preserve and maintain what we already have 3.Improve public transportation 4.Support economic development 5.Address public health and safety needs 6.Provide access and mobility for everyone 7.Support freight movement 8.Protect and preserve what makes New Mexico special 9.Coordinate across jurisdictional / regulatory boundaries 10.Improve data collection, management and sharing
2040 Plan Vision and Goals
Goals and Strategies Transparency and Accountability » Outstanding, customer-focused employees recruit, reward, retain » Public trust + support form partnerships and retain 2040 Plan coordinating committees to leverage external resources » Data + information improve quality to support project and program evaluation » Project evaluation develop and implement evaluation criteria and statewide project prioritization process based on 2040 Plan Goals and Strategies Safety for All System Users » Data-driven, proactive processes implement Strategic Highway Safety Plan » Partnerships with other agencies identify and pursue opportunities
Goals and Strategies Preservation and Maintenance » Preservation-first asset management strategy develop and implement the Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) » Life-cycle cost analysis use to evaluate and prioritize all types of projects (including capacity expansion) » Prioritization by tier prioritize investment of funds by modal “tier” to achieve minimum standards for design, maintenance, and efficient operations
Goals and Strategies Access and Connectivity » Operations and Demand Management First proactively implement all reasonable operations and demand management strategies before committing scarce capital funds to expand capacity » Strategic Investment in Key Corridors focus NMDOT resources (considering full life-cycle cost) to support movement of people and goods along a limited number of key corridors (i.e., corridors with regional, statewide, interstate, or international significance) » Land use – transportation coordination prioritize projects, programs, and activities that help minimize transportation infrastructure and service costs through coordination of transportation and land use planning (including site selection for public facilities) » Changing Demographics align transportation system to be responsive to changing demographic trends (aging population, Millennials, etc.)
Goals and Strategies Respect Cultures, Environment, History, Quality of Life » Context sensitive solutions: find a “best fit” transportation solution that meets expectations of both NMDOT and community stakeholders » Require and respect local plans Target funds to support communities that develop 2040 Plan-consistent transportation plans and demonstrate financial and administrative capacity to implement them successfully » Environmentally friendly practices Minimize or avoid negative impacts on the natural environment where possible » Recreation and tourism Work proactively with public and private-sector partners to advance state, regional, and tribal tourism and recreational goals while minimizing adverse impacts to cultural resources
Implementation Priorities FFY » Develop Project Evaluation Criteria » Identify and Acquire Data » Develop Socio-Economic Forecasts
NMDOT Transportation Asset Management Plan
TAM Mission NMDOT uses data-driven asset management to maximize use of limited public resources and maintain the state’s transportation infrastructure in the best possible condition. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Theodore Roosevelt 26th president of US ( )
Manage Assets Effectively Tradeoff Analysis Policy Goals & Objectives Budgets Expectations Resource Allocations Improvement Programs & Delivery Performance Monitoring Goals & Investments Are Aligned With Performance Data
Draft Guiding Principles Condition and Performance » Maintain current condition (5% Structurally Deficient) or show slight improvement for the NHS » Maintain no better than 10% Structurally Deficient for the non-NHS » When offered an alternative, maintain what we have before adding capacity » Determine thresholds for Good, Fair, and Poor using Pavement Condition Rating (PCR), with recognition to MAP-21 requirements (pavement)
Draft Guiding Principles Funding and Resource Allocation » Reserve a % of budget for statewide prioritization » A % of the model recommendation can be overridden by engineering judgment » Delineate funding decisions between Interstate, non- Interstate NHS, non-NHS, and Off System Management Systems » Bridge » Pavement » Other Assets (Future TBD)
10 Year Asset Targets Sound Data Programming Material Performance Political Actions Construction Costs Model Accuracy Funding Our plans face uncertainty We need to acknowledge that uncertainty Our plans face uncertainty We need to acknowledge that uncertainty Risks
10 Year Asset Targets Material Performance Programming Construction Costs Political Actions Model Accuracy Sound Data Funding Our plans face uncertainty We need to acknowledge that uncertainty Our plans face uncertainty We need to acknowledge that uncertainty Risks
Asset Condition Current $0$25$50$75$100$125 NHS 3.4%26.5%17.5%8.4%3.1%.7%.4% Non-NHS 6.5%34.2%28.7%15.1%4.7%.9%.3% All 5.1%30.6%23.5%12.0%3.9%.8%.4% at various 10-Year annual funding levels 23 Bridge % Structurally Deficient Pavement Condition Current $110$165$220$275$330$385 Interstate Non-I NHS Non-NHS All
Data-Mature DOT Planning STIP Design Roadway Traffic Structures Design Roadway Traffic Structures Construction As-Builts Maintenance Traffic & Safety Data Management Data Management Financial Data Financial Data Analysis Business systems Analysis Business systems 2040 Plan Data Warehouse Governance Integration Data Warehouse Governance Integration Project Delivery Operations Revenue Forecasting Data Governance
Budget State FY 16 Revenues State: $456,061,500 Federal: $408,602,800 Total: $864,664,300 Revenues State: $456,061,500 Federal: $408,602,800 Total: $864,664,300 Expenses Salary: $157,071,400 Debt: $143,489,200 Operational: $122,227,000 Restricted: $103,956,573 Betterments: $89,048,000 $248,872,127 Total:$864,664,300 Expenses Salary: $157,071,400 Debt: $143,489,200 Operational: $122,227,000 Restricted: $103,956,573 Betterments: $89,048,000 $248,872,127 Total:$864,664,300 Funds District Field Supplies and Contract Maintenance, Snow Removal, etc. Funds Asset Management & Capacity Projects,
NMDOT Planning Process NMDOT Strategic Plan Vision: Set the standard for a safe, reliable and efficient transportation system New Mexico 2040Transportation Plan Transportation Asset Management Plan State Transportation Improvement Program Policy DirectionPlanning Capital Programs Implementation Construction Modal Programs Maintenance and Operations Monitoring, Reporting Adjustments (Annual Performance Report)
Designing the future of New Mexico DOT Tamara P. Haas, P.E. Asset Management & Planning Division Director