PRESIDENT’S REPORT Academic Senate Carol Kimbrough, MA, MFT November 25, 2014
ACCREDITATION FOLLOW-UP REPORT #2 Accreditation Timelines: Removed from probation and issued warning July deficiencies completely resolved Recommendations 1, 6, 8, 10, 12 completely resolved Recommendations 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 11 to be resolved by March 15, 2015 follow-up report.
ACCREDITATION FOLLOW-UP REPORT #2 Recommendation 2: “.... develop a comprehensive integrated planning process that includes participatory governance and meets both the strategic and annual needs of the College....” Recommendation 3: “...develop a regular systematic process for assessing its long term and annual plans, as well as its planning process, to facilitate continuous sustainable institutional improvement....” Recommendation 4: “...fully engage in a broad-based dialogue that leads to the identification of Student Learning Outcomes at the course and program levels, and regular assessment of student progess toward achievement of the outcomes...”
ACCREDITATION FOLLOW-UP REPORT #2 Recommendation 5: “... Create an evaluation and assessment process for the library and support services... that includes an assessment of the process for integrating library acquisitions into circulation in a timely manner...” Recommendation 7: “... Evaluation processes and criteria necessary to support the college’s mission are in place and are regularly and consistently conducted.... and that professional learning opportunities be formally and regularly offered to all employee groups... and that faculty and others responsible for learning have as a component of their evaluation effectiveness in producing those student learning outcomes...”
ACCREDITATION FOLLOW-UP REPORT #2 Recommendation 9: “... review and refine [the] program review process [and] use the results of program review to clearly and consistently link institutional planning process to resource allocation...” Recommendation 11: “...implement and evaluate a governance model and establish a key participatory governance group to provide an avenue for meaningful input into decision-making including... resource allocation.
ACCREDITATION FOLLOW-UP REPORT #2 Timelines for Follow-Up Report #2 November 2014Receive drafts of recommendation responses December 2014Review of report, editing by constituent groups January 2015Review by entire college community, review and approval by Accreditation Council February 2015Review and approval by College Planning Council; first reading by Board of Trustees March 2015Approval by Board of Trustees March 2015Submit report to ACCJC April 2015Site visit from Commission representatives
SB 850 – Bachelor’s Degree Pilot Program 15 community colleges will have an opportunity to develop and offer one bachelor’s degree program 36 districts have submitted an intent to apply Application form/process was released November 21 Deadline to submit application is December 19 Announcement of selected colleges January 21 Bachelor’s degree cannot be a degree currently offered by any CSU or UC Hartnell has submitted an intent to develop a bachelor’s degree in Food Safety
SB 850 – Bachelor’s Degree Pilot Program When would it start ? When would it end? starts no later than academic year Pilot program ends: June 30, 2023 Due by December 19 th : Administrative plan for the BA program Description of curriculum, faculty, and facilities Enrollment projections Workforce needs/projections Documentation of consultation with CSU/UC Further information: /sb_850_bill_ _chaptered.htm /sb_850_bill_ _chaptered.htm
Facilities Master Plan - Summary A. Centralized Student Success Center Provide a centralized, collaborative and coordinated student success center/tutoring center to serve students at all levels. B. Increase Efficiency Utilize existing space more efficiently and effectively. C. Classroom upgrades Upgrade outdated classrooms for greater flexibility and updated technology. D. Student Headcount Increase average student headcount from 31 to 35 per class. E. Revitalization of Main Campus Upgrade aging building systems and infrastructure on the Main Campus. F. Main Campus “Front Door” Has been moved from south to north and should be enhanced. G. Study Spaces More study spaces throughout the campuses, indoor and outdoor.