What can lead to an Eating Disorder? Body image refers to a person's perception of the aesthetics and sexual attractiveness of their own body Fascination with the media (magazines, celebrities, models). Being teased or taunted about one’s weight. Pressure from a sport to lose weight. Low self-esteem. Pressure from others to lose weight. Pressure on oneself to look a certain way.
Facts/Stats about Eating Disorders An estimated 0.5 percent of adolescent girls in the United States have anorexia and about 1 to 2 percent have bulimia. Experts estimate that between 0.8 to 14 percent of Americans generally have at least some of the physical and psychological symptoms of an eating disorder. Boys now represent about 5 to 10 percent of those with eating disorders, although some research suggests that number may be even higher.
Eating Disorders Anorexia nervosa - Self-imposed starvation Bulimia Repeated cycle of binge eating and purging
Anorexia Nervosa Warning signsWarning signs –Loss of 15% or more of ideal body weight –Distorted body image –Preoccupation with food, calories, nutrition, or cooking –Excessive exercise –Frequent weighing –Hair loss –Amenorrhea (loss of menstruation)
Anorexia Continued... Physical DangersPhysical Dangers –Dizziness and light headedness –Fatigue and lack of energy –Electrolyte imbalance –Internal organ shrinkage –Low pulse rate –Kidney failure –Heart failure
Bulimia Warning SignsWarning Signs –Binge eating, usually high calorie foods –Purging by means of self-induced vomiting or use of laxatives or diuretics –Weight fluctuation –Swollen glands –Feeling out of control, guilty or depressed –Frequent use of the bathroom after meals
Bulimia Physical DangersPhysical Dangers - Electrolyte imbalance –Potassium deficiency –Severe dental problems –Digestive problems –Bursting blood vessels –Fatigue, headaches and weakness –Kidney and heart failure
Situation: Rudine is 13 years old and 165 pounds. She tells you, her friends, she is thinking about going on a diet because of her body image issues. Your Mission: What will you say and do for her to prevent her from the problems you know about her future? LIST at least 5 TIPS
How would you help Rudine or anyone with an eating disorder? Don’t criticize or emphasize weight, figure, or dieting. Encourage each other to live healthfully (eating well, exercising, sleeping, no drugs) Do things that enhance self-esteem and bring success. If you recognize warning signs, it is important to tell someone (counselor, parent, teacher, trusted adult) Get professional help –Hospitals –Outpatient support programs –Inpatient treatment programs
Compulsive Overeating Physical DangersPhysical Dangers –Mobility Problems –Diabetes –Heart ailments –High blood pressure
Compulsive Overeating Warning SignsWarning Signs –Periods of overeating and restricting –Binge eating –Night eating –Eating when not physically hungry –Preoccupation with weight, eating and dieting –Weight fluctuations –Depression and feeling of low self- esteem