Τ.Ε.Ι. of Athens in the framework of the Bologna Process TTECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ATHENS PProf Katerina Georgouli Institutional TEmpus …


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Presentation transcript:

Τ.Ε.Ι. of Athens in the framework of the Bologna Process TTECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ATHENS PProf Katerina Georgouli Institutional TEmpus … coordinator in the TEI of Athens

TEMPUS & THE BOLOGNA PROCESS The Greek educational system & the European dimension of studies

ΤΗΕ BOLOGNA DECLARATION/PROCESS It was signed on 19/06/1999 “Follow-ups”-Prague 19/05/2001,Βerlin 19/09/2004, Bergen19/05/05 32 European Ministers of Education are signatories (members) AIM: The Creation of a European HE Area by 2010 OBJECTIVES:α) Create a simplified educational system b) A Two-Cycle System c) ΕCTS d) ENQA e) The European Dimension in HE f ) Promote International Mobility g ) Life-long Learning h) Closer Ties: Students ↔ HE Institutions

Mobility Focus on Quality Assurance & ECTS Types of Projects-IMGs, JEPs, SCMs Country Partners: CARDS, MEDA, TACIS ΤΕΜPUS ↔ BOLOGNA PROCESS

Higher Education in Greece H.E. in Greece includes two types: Fully self-governed public Institutions – Duration of studies 4 to 5 years – Multi- discipline schools supervised by the Ministry of Education Vocational or specific schools – Duration of studies up to 3 years – Single-discipline schools supervised by subject Ministries other than the Ministry of Education

Higher Education in Greece –Public Institutions 22 Universities with students and 16 TEIs with students duration of basic studies 4 or more years direct access of their graduates in postgraduate studies (Master or Doctorate) Postgraduate studies organised by Universities or co-organised between Universities and TEIs Undergraduate degrees called Ptychio

The Technological Educational Institutions (TEIs) Multi-discipline Institutions created in 1983 All academic authorities (President, Heads of Departments, etc) are elected for 3 years Professors elected by academic staff The Department is the basic degree- offering Academic Unit In 2001 upgraded to operate as Institutions of the Technological Sector in parallel with the University Sector of higher education (both equally protected by the Constitution)

Principles for Curriculum Development in the TEIs In 1998 the Institute of Technological Education (ITE) in collaboration with the TEIs established the following principles: – Educational structures should be common and transparent in all the TEI system based on learning outcomes – Programs of studies should be developed from the scratch based on Student Work Load (SWL) – Curriculum development should include as starting point the ECTS system based on the SWL.

Criteria and Standards for Curriculum Development and Accreditation General criteria and standards: Student Work Load( SWL): 1500 hours per academic year (1500 x 4 = hours for study program) ECTS credits: 60 credits per year (25 hours SWL per ECTS credit) (240 credits for study program) Student workload per semester: 750 hours = 30 ECTS credits – SWL: for 1 teaching (contact) hour: 2 hours for study and exams – course units for the 4-year program of studies (obligatory + elective course units)

The TEI of Athens Founded in students 1300 faculty members (plus personnel with hourly compensation) 400 administrative staff members and technical personnel

Faculties and Departments Faculty of Administration and Economics Faculty of Technological Applications Faculty of Food Technology and Nutrition Faculty of Health and Caring Professions Faculty of Graphical Arts and Design – A total of 37 Departments

Master Courses 8 master courses with Greek universities 5 new master courses under approval 3 master courses with foreign universities

Elements from the European Policy Statement of the TEI of Athens

Difficulties to establish permanent exchange structures Language barriers Lack of time Financial problems Organisational problems Lack of incentives

Postgraduate programs in English/French Cooperation with British and French universities Courses in Electronics, Informatics, Food Technology, Health, Applied Arts, Environment, etc. All the lectures are in English or French All the course is offered in the TEI-A or one semester in the TEI-A and one semester abroad

Development of common European postgraduate programs Development of common programs on Master level in English under the TEMPUS programs, coordinated by the TEI of Athens or under the CDA/ PROG/ SOCRATES programs with participation of the TEI of Athens

Development/operation of intensive programs in English Programmes financed by SOCRATES/IP Participation of the TEI of Athens in : – 1. Program design – 2. Sending lecturers to teach – 3. Sending students – 4. Operating the course in Athens periodically

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS In the field of International Relations, our Institute is running three basic European Educational Programs Socrates/Erasmus & Leonardo da Vinci Tempus

ERASMUS Program ERASMUS consists of many different activities; student and teacher exchanges, joint development of study programs (Curriculum Development), international intensive programs, thematic networks between departments and faculties across Europe, language courses (EILC), European credit transfer system (ECTS).




Leonardo da Vinci Programme TARGET GROUPS : – STUDENTS in tertiary education (S) – YOUNG GRADUATES (G) Practical training in European Enterprises Coverage 100% (planning / implementation)

Host Countries  Host Enterprises  n Austria n Belgium n Cyprus n Denmark n Finland n France n Germany n Hungary n Italy n Netherlands n Norway n Spain n Sweden n United Kingdom n Turkey (in the new proposal)

What’s next? Realisation of the two-cycle system in both Universities and TEIs Duration of first cycle: 3 years(?) Reorganisation of degree program curricula, with possible reduction of course units (modular system) and establishment of assessment criteria for the learning outcomes Establishment of a Quality Assurance system Right of the TEIs to award autonomously postgraduate degrees Use of ECTS for credit accumulation in intra- and inter-institutional student mobility